Li! I 185-SchooIs Republic, tJazettc 190-Business Opportunities Iducatlentl Training 190-BusIness Opportunities 1 7 8-Help Wanted female wur.ii Personal i 1 97-Money Wanted 1 202-Business A NEW CONCEPT it.f9"?!' 77-Help Wanted m.i. ROUTE man servic cigarette, candy, drink vending machines. Year round employment. $100 month minimum Dlu bonus. Paid vacation, hnl "SMALL" cat for sal or lease.
ii I ei- Salnrrlav Jnlu IMi ITALI a rkli 63 MONEY EASY TO GET Iter 5 p.m. CR 4-9971. ml ui.irfu perience l-esu i Beer. wine. Food-lo-oo.
Illness forcts check by fh of COOLERS, at cost. Insulation saie. Italian Food Center, 421 North 35. Heavy experience In all phases On your Furniture, Car, Livestock Diamonds, etc. fay back monthly HOME.
LOAN Mesa WO 4-3731 nn awtnue. AL a-ovjy. 8rocrv stor I post oflc at ien Canyon, Utah. Netting ur oiiic worn. Legal background deslreble.
sv day week. State ial- davt, hospltalliallon. Permanent residence. Married, 30-45. Route experience necessary If working re 7 TAVERN LEASE INSTANT CASHII over ai.auu per mo.
Pius POST Ol-tic franchise, 116,000 will han- ary expected and Include complete Nice, plenty of room, anort arnss. invesi varying amount tii, rrpaireq, iupp hs. tan any. MO.M brings HO mo. ''m.
BR 2-1572 -AP i 1 73. 1773 50 brings 122 mo. I TYPING Letters, manuscripts I 120.11 71 brings $24 mo. jOukk, clean, efficient work Pea-' Full principal return within 7 yr sonable rates AL 2 2CS0 or Call or come see us INVESTMENT! "ALTERATIONS." AP -175t. DEVELOPMENT CORP.
551 N. 27lh unuiuc. uui lima die. Call CR f-0547 after 6 p.m, plies xeoT in continence. Box 31-RX, Reoublleand Gazette.
WOMEN ONLY Be an Electronic assembler. High pay best work conditions. BR 5-7012 for Interview Mjddleton. Institute of Electronics Mesa Beauly Academy UJLMscdonaid G.I. APP1T6VED Day and evening classes Placement iervlce.
ABC WELDING SCHOOL ou ai-KA, Kepuoiic ana Gazette. machines pay rent. Off street parking. Priced for quick sale. BONDED FAWN BROKER 15 to 15 000 on Items of valy.
Sell Inn? Hid hast orS-M Bald PART time mutfler men. Seat COMMERCIAL refrloerallon-hom Parking Problems? Phone! Want Ad Number AL 8-8861 MATTINGLY REALTY appliance sales-service. Complete op JU lifting and light housework, fjvf-gav week. Own transportation. 2709 East Brill.
BR 3-0120. Av. CR 7-1743. I LAWN mnwvlna. and va'd clean.
eration. Hicks, Box 269. Prion 2221 6, Ind. Sch. Wl 34215 CR 72603 WE PAWN BUY INVESTORSI Com buy our sound um CAFE for tale.
Doing" nice" busi morlgagesl Contracts! Good aii-i sutitiur. (-6 M5iz, Lakeside, Arir MILK depot. Scottsdale. Mat DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, OUNS ness. Low rent.
Will consider parti 1 7 9-Kelp Wanted countsi 45 year In Phoenix. "Tom Httd Female IY. CAMERAS, RADIOS, tC. iraa. inquire at 44 south 2nd Street, acoiisaaif s-vavu.
SHELL Station 'Country Store ELL 134 Wash. AH-467Q Grosso investmenrsi" 1227 "Ormj Street, BR 5-t)0341BR 3-0371. DO YOU NEED HELP I 2103 Buckeyg Rd. AL 3-1521 Vyr Sinn, jbij Morintemrai. 5UPERIKF" TENDENT, experienced In volume housing to take complete charge.
Must know how to purchase and supervise tore-men. Local experience neces-ary. Permanent connection with well rated company. Give full particulars. Box 3-YK, Republic and Gazette.
TV Technician. uienoai. OAliS leweiry Guns, on leweiry Guns, Cam- Corner of Page Springs, Cornvilie Roads, Highway 79-A, 100 miles TEACHERS Arizona Teachers Agency, .1540 W. Jefferson At. 4-0114 MOTEL mananart.
nailanrwl SHEET METAL eras, etc. No delay. Dignified nd lliou first nwtaaoes lV4 1 Excel 0,1 110,000 first mortgagesl ll Exce-1(on lro i VOGT'S SCHOOL of REAL ESTATE Courses ef real estate Int 45 Norm or pnoeni. Near oair tree connoeniiat. me rAIKWAT 202-Buslness Invest- Personal Shop wulpment complete.
Must sell, health. Make offer. 944-1303. etc. M.
H. Bu'ldine Reoa.r Ht Ayenu. lent locations I Tom Grosso mntslBR 5-026. fishing and camping, wil handle. Art's Shell Station, Cornvilie couple only.
Salary plus living quar-'! Apply In person Sandman yaBu rwB RJb 2035:56964 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY mow, i a yvesr van puren boot nop ana oariae tor lease inc Phone 943-5301. Free advice, no MURRyi have room for two r- jbiigstion. Lirensed hnnflect paonie. Men or women In o-i- CUSTOM sewing, CR 4-9238 va'e home Reasonable. WO 90092 "SHEETROCK texturing.
BR 98'. COMPLETE home repairs 8, addl- Tee Vee Service, 3038 North 24th Low Investment of only S545. short Ejrt Broadway. If Investment Money Wanted RESPONSIBLE couple under 30 years. In aond health Man in itn oireei.
IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN! You can't blame folk tor being hours, will pay to Investlgalae. Fori B0 K'FU- S250.000 needed for permanent and Gazette. COOLER service repairing. 54 lions, carpentry-cement. AL 6-0234.
GROCERY CHECKERS EARN BIG EARN UP TO S2.ll PER HR UMKucncK. lapaoie oi going Birtsretexer worn ana neiB with horses tvoes of vardwork. Must know small hreriina farm uamm financing personal interview, write, including of first stag ot new BARBER shop, two "chairs7Ne; Memorial Medical Cente? In South 308 North 14th Street AL 2.4709. pnone, to P.O. Box 13264.
Phoenix, nihutiaslic tbout our simplified to trim shrubbery, use hedger, drive do three hours housework, five days CLEANUP, hauling, AL 2-3534. -CHI DCTIDCrS C--i. 1 niUIIIII. pian of lending. Arranging for GUARANTEED Complete Train i.r Von fsivi onor in, LAWN mowing.
La'est equipment. VE 9-4)16 COUPLE available to mansga mi tel or apartments, Nn ir.nkar years of age Write Box 32-RX, R- IRONING. BR 6-6856. puxup. doh ka, isepuuiic ana m.
no orinxer. txceiienf llv-Gazelle. ilng condition. Ben C. McCabe, Box mom mr 11,1 toi ut nniaivu Phoenix.
Architect' working draw- Ings for ten doctor' offices now being prepared. Ten mor offices to constructed next year. Contact ing. Ariz, Grocers' Assn. Approv cash her I lust about as simple nd Signified as opening charge tlfino HpraiM lln in, vixen, FENCES EXPERIENCED shoe thiner.
17iai. cKenburarliona. MUf224. Vnchli. AAaiatian.
Ma.irn ritw oaiancmg snop. I OP NOrtneaST ioca' ed. Member U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Interview at school or West Washington.
All nu antilnmant A COUPLE-Cook and Malntenanu ntananr Low rent. Intervening cities will be i-TH' fcmmett McLouflhlin, AL 2-5" 1. Sale on chain link fence. Free ouhiic and Gazett puico and after 6 00 p.m., CR wan experienced custodial M4ia, illina tn rnnnurt falsings hi ur. S.BII account at store.
Arizona Credit Co. i36 McDowe'l AL 1 1981 nomc, AL 4-2105 YE 7-4955 TURRET LATHE OPRS ENGINE LATHE OPRS. andor general maintenance trades: 50 year aoa limltl var 'rmirul. ha-Is. vey for yog on commission DOG SUDS Box --YK, References xchanaed Republic and Gazette.
3 Tucson area. Write experience, fern- Must make own setup. Minimum Real Estate, stimates. CALL BR 21511. BRAKE, ignition, carburstor, gen.
AM 5-9501. 8 to 12 am. TOP SOIL FILL DIRT WANNA buy a car wholesale? S'e CALL HOYT JONES AM 5-7991 Brokor, MOuiNG? wave move MARKET TRAINING INST, DRIVE-INS ARE HEREI HlHISF0RY0U'? Two contract on fenced 3 br 14 ba. by schl. (I) 2511 N.
38th Lan IJ541 39 at 34 mo. with 7 yr. stop. 45S disc. (2) 2512 38lh Lane S7SV1 at tl mi V).
rilir years aircraft exp. required. Top llv status and reference Box 43-MA, 195-Money, BEAUTY salon In nclusiv resort. Mti. lean 1540 East McDowell Notch only need apply.
and Gazette. Machine Company. 1235 S. 26th PI. Movin.
Vi' Cash For SecondContract GENERAL TRUST rae.7174 h. Thl. nhiilmi. cnsin witn more man COUPLE with Income, exchange motel maid and maintenance for kitchenette for two. Salary based on amount of work dona aisn r.nnri haul.
Any flme. CR -i 1. BR 50100. i BRICK, hiock, tone, concre'e FLOOR tile and linoleum layer, (ournevman only, AM S-6628. opportunity for 'right party.
KcsruroiBLfc man warns rtinej COOLERS repaired, repacked, rea. ar a U02 Rav Jl-Hi. Raouh anrt Garelte.i""' 1 wmvw, FIRST class automobile painter, CORPORATION Ity to own your own business be CARPENTER, painting. General sonable BR 2-1652. All reohei held confidential 3033 N.
Central AM 4-3177 Paint Avenue. 42nd; Teachers. Maricopa Teachers Plcmnt No other need apply. Bens and Body Shop, 17 South come independent-tier' what you inousana uouars a')- rnoenix property value $27,000, repay $150 per month or more plus Interest, first Mortgage. Box 82-YK, Republic WRECKING yard.
Reasonable NEED MONEY? get ror suu casn: 15 Ave. PH 253-2560. DRESS making. A 4-4017. "WIMPY'S Lawn'Service.
By month. AL 4 0856. Mali otter. 5436 West Bethany lob. Street.
FOR sale a Ice cream anooazett. riome. awtixi. i. pick of t80 lofMon repair, AL 2-H57, IRONING.
WH 6-1937." "SPECIALIZED Infant car. My home. Wl 3-8830. LAWN se'vice," cleanups." Reasonable. 944-5087.
FIRST class block brick wo'k. We Atenclett Mai 2NDS 1ST MADE BOUGHT Consolidate your debt. Free appraisal scooter and good route. Will tax 182-EmpIoy, GAR ACjc and station. -onyi Financial assistance JJOO cash and assume balance PAINTING, plastering, carpenter nd cement.
AL I-M86, IRONING. BR2592. Tower quipped going pusines. smaii in-; N0 h.aden costs, no royalties ever FOR A CAREER WITH A FUTURE ATTEND SUMMER CLASSES DURHAMACOLLEGE Call AL 2-4868-AL 2-8096 FOR INFORMATION ON THESE LUCRATIVE CAREERS IBM AUTOMATION $76,310 1ST mortgage 10 yrs. actual appraisal $48,000.
Fully occupied discount. WE 5-968 evenings alter 6 p.m. or Open '111 7 AM 5-1454 ventory. 4j wnippie, Thorouoh on the Inh ira.nino before tin. TUtual 4-557.
i Top management services area courteous confiaentiai (Serving Ariiona Sine 1945) IBERKSHI41E MORTGAGE CO. FATCHING-plaster-stuccor Binded. "a WANTED Meat cutter or store manager. Permanent. References re RtSTAUKAN one owner over Annual conventions li vears.
Practically all new a Deamnai nritkrm Any amount Any Art eouipment. Must sell, Terms. Gibiini PATIOS Drivewavs. Sdewaiks. Curns.
Small iobs. AL 4-4914. Rmit. j. Bn, inw.
Temoe. Arlrona ork.New-repair. AM 6-7632. Al Friedman AM S-1454 939 Mlsjsyrl IMMEDIATE CASH US I 8 Lennart Realty 276 Norm toumry $, Doo Suds In action In Mesa, Club Drlv WO 9-2268. 1 4th S'apley Dr and Phx E.
Mc- REASONABLE. Plumbing rtpalri. $1537 50 buy $3,075.64 Contract! Rife Way Home Cleaners BR 5-1225 quired. Food Town Market. Box jJe.
Phone KE 6-4343. Snowflake, Arizona. STEADY master barber, Good lob. 15th Avenue and Thomas. CR 7-1822.
GRINDER." Top men only. Eper. enced on Norton grinding equipment, and grinding titanium ID, D. tnni and cutter etc. Interviews Sat FQRlease.
Poultry Ranch. 938-0669 on North 7th Street, r.oitjr. narK faut tWM WF HIIY rnntrarta M. mtsriaMa m.s. mortgage of toiiMi ZZi YsarS aith St I nr til -PHOENIX' ONLY IBM SCHOOL- Candy and Ice Cream tort.
Will Get th facts-write or wlr Jim tnr inuantnrv Krnittdaia Incatinn Griggs, President Dog Suds, j2Q5-Freight any spc a purpoia moov 1H0 kArnmu i. Cnnmns.i rbjuu vwr nomt r-jrv oo'" Continental.) i Transportation aauuu BCLunu. b. vra i 3 ajsi.uw kii 1 WH S-0931. WH 6-1538.
lp O. Box 546. Champaigne. Illinois iy iiwi veil oLn vuiuv WE BUY CONTRACTS urday. 10 to 11:30 am.
Monday, all I I I St I tit SI ssmss ts Sacrifice Smsll Cat Phs. CR 7-8956, or Wl 1-2711 Bob CR'-ii "wm I MOVING Save 75 touoy.AL 4-JB2J. 1 PAINTING Cheap, cheap. Work RENT U-HAUL or KAR-GO MUST VAHf-AM CTCAITUIC IAPI1158 MORTGAGES 8, CONTRACTS I vri uiunk miiu day. 30 East 4th Street, Tempe.
FOREMAN and helpers experl enced in chain link fence building Apply 1014 South Scottsdale Road. MILK DEPOT-NE' guaranteed. CR 4-3172 TRAILERS or TRUCKS Insured Buy; iena; GILBERT 8, nnn I aver eoa ranch fullv equip utstttuttut 'iLe repairing Leramc metal rLNvTiaoQ-Slricfly Personal Call w. 1st nd Oneway US-Canada-Alaska I ped, auto feed water, retrig. owner must teava.
uuick tai nec i NEED money ony7 MACHINIST. Precision, top men ISAlStt 1 St Itl bncK estab. retail mar- essary Mae ofter LYNN Lamont Winfrey, previous kef $45,000 $10,000 down ILINDERS REALTY BR 5-2255 IBM KEY PUNCH QUICK, EASY TO LEARN STENOGRAPHY -4 WEEK SPEEOWRITINC-SHORTHAND- MNDUSTRIAL DRAFTING -THIS AREA'S ONLY COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL ORAFTING SCHOOL- ACCOUNTING only, must be able fo operate all Ivdh nf machine shoo eouipment. elastic dR V2I0 Lnd lvilng. FREE FILM MAILERS Call WH 5-2553.
Day or Night Jumbo Prints, Roll 59c AP I 3597 AP H9S7 206-Passenger Transport. S. STROUT REALTY CR 9W60; TRUCKING Company. Doing over FURNITURE tnr New and used. OOO gross, per year.
Call Frank DON'T DISCOUNT Interviews Saturday, 10 00 to 11:30 a m. Monday, all day. 30 East 4th resident of Oregon and Washington stales, or anyone knowing hit whereabout contact any member of his family, or Sterling Oil Co, IOCS Esoerson Bldo Houston 2. Texas Excellent location. Pavson.
Ill 252-3584. or AL 4-0190, broker jtreet, Tempe. Write Box 392. sacrtf re health. LEONARD PHOIO, Scottsdai 5ALE OR LEASE COmolt! GR, 4-23 2J.
day. FOR In order that money due Lynn I P4yoiJBrcalL CARPENTRY oalntlng. Frte Estate Office. Good listings i weai Lamont yyimrev rrom ratner esiat Work guaranteed. BR 5-4568 your mortgages or contract before you tee u.
We will loan mony on them or butt tor cash. Eves. CR 7-3254. METROPOLITAN P8.G REALTY WHA6W5 TEXACO 4227 E. Cameiback Eve.
WH 6-1694 lllOT UW 5X1U null. CLOUD" Nln "has finest food, friendly tervic end THE most spectacular panoramic view of Vaiiey. -BOOKKEEPING ALL PHASES MARRY IN 1 HOUR In Winttrhaveo. Calif $15 day or night. No publicity, no waiting attar -EMBALMER- (LICENSED IN ARIZONA) Wonderful opportunity for young man with Impeccable references.
Salary plus bonuses. See Mr Hasset, Cam-e'beck Chapel, 21 West Cameiback. PAGE Springs Store Buy stork LAND 1 TRUST CO. and equipment Building leased. On 3033 N.
Central Wl 4-9985. Service Station available In So. Phx. Modern going station on mem For Information call R. M.
Smith, AP 8-3521. AM4JVII oemg divorced in Am. t-or informa llon writ or go to lutes GRETNA AL 3-3331 AAA DRIVE-AWAY AG'CY Let us deliver your utemo-bii to you anywhere in th USA A NATIONAL BONDED AGENCY LOW REASONAB1 RATES SOUTH SOUTH EAST Cars Available, Drlv as your oal AAA Drive Away AL 3 3J31 Your Car Delivered ANY CITY IN USA. BONDED 8, INSURED across from Page Sorlnas Fish 202-Buslness unccn xvpnaina s.napi 1 3rw rtnonais pil iwvoi UNLIMITED FUNDS Others falk-W give Action! 1st or 2nd Mtoes. 1 to 30 veata lHatcnery, Beer, Gas, Grxeries, tc.
Irrlgat 45 Cornvilie. Aruona of 7th Av FOR "ai. Rights to house subdivision East quality." Fully 500 s' Jum. Arn SU 1-4301 LOW price, "hlqh ENGINEERS experienced painter will paint new above Northern. Yearly gross Home Owners.
Bldrs Dvlpr Bu old houses Insine nr outside iativ $1576. Easy terms. YE 7-3906. TELEPHONE answering service Any amt, auick action, low rate. Satisfaction guaranteed, Cal CALL MR VAN ANYTIME IWO 4-2575 after 5 m.
Dav.WH 8-5363 Eves.WH 6-2J84i WALKS." 0rv.v- pltojn67'-122S. $3500 cash. 274-4995. Used car lot. Scottsdale.
Excellent lot tor late models. In business one month, sold 27 retail, ece'lent net. Reason for leavinq-tuve to take over farmer bg Irt on Cameiback. Month to month 8, cheap. Ca1! W.
Smith, CR 8-4151. WILL sell 49 comm. fertilner li "tnas wk, fatios, doors, drlveways, 258-5285. UPHOLSTERY exprtwork. prompt servic.
Pakan, Wl 4-4488 IRONING wanted. CR 7 64C6. PAINTING, Interior. Average room, $12. Fre estimates.
References. Wl 4-2843 LAWN serviceWI 3-9465. "BABY sitting, evenings. "Permanent. AL 4-8303.
TAVERN N. W. CHILDcare.Ages 3 5-AM 6-3660. "T.AWN mowing," BR 6-7753, Evenings DRESSMAKING. YE 7-8831.
SPANISH conversation, grammar. WO 7-2433. "TRASH, miscellaneous hauled Cheao. BRS-6003. BR 5-3425.
BRICK-block work, cemnf, r- SACRIFICE FOR CASH DRUGSTORE-MAKE OFFER CLARKDALE, ARIZONA S3500 DOWN Neft $no mo. Good machine Play CHILD care at my horn. 2934 Wast Cnllr AD I INtER'ST ATEAU'TO" DElTvERY a Reasonable Rates, 264-3294 "Cars to Frisco. Seattle, A drive as your own. AL 4-4535.
"FLViNG twin "engine airplane to Indianapoii July 29th. Passenger wanted. Wl 4-9985. CASH! WH 6-3496 1st 7nd Contract Real Estate Loans Fre Estlmtt Apprtlsil New Construction Land (Farm or Desert) Remodeling Refinancing A-1 PAINTING, ca1rAT-27T277f JACK STARR REALTY "Manufacturing-and AL3 4937 338 Portland YE 7-3494 building Excellent Incom. Nominal --r fl.l.Ma rD LAWN mowing, hedge trimming, mooeiing.
wi a-2854 gardening, 3 8 448. TRASH hauling i clean yards, ga BUSINESS manTlvTna "LA. San rages; rubbish hauling, reasonable. CARPENTER work Labor or work Willi. AL 2-9571.
of any kind. BR 2-2502. Jos almost every week, going Sun There. Is A Difference Our Success Is Measured By The Satisfied Services Gained Both By Employer Applicant The Next Time In Need Of Such Services Contact One Of The Following M.embers Of Arizona Employment Agency Association day return Friday Shar xpnes, tak thre. BR 5-2431.
PAINTING, spraying." INFANT care glvenTn my Chris- Agent. DRu6store7 selPfor Inventory plus $5fX) for figures Opportunity tor hustier 2SOC0 prescription on te Box 29-KX, Republic and Reasonable CR 4-3172. fian horn, tor working mother. LEAVING for Montana In two weeks, sharg expense nd driving. ATTENTION INVESTORS, COIN LAUNDRIES DRY CLEANERS 2IJ N.
1st Av. AL 2-6565 COMPLETE lawn tervic. reason-Northeast a'. CR 9-2132. able YE 7-5707.
PAINTING -Reasonable. A DESIGNERS DRAFTSMEN OPENING IN ALL CATEGORIES Mechanical Electrical Electro-Mechanical Electronics PAID HOLIDAYS PAID VACATIONS GROUP INSURANCE Ftectmmec in pt raps DESIGN 8, DEVELOPVENT CO 10 2nd Sccttsdal V.H 6-3324 DRIVER With mat eo preferred. I CRY MEAT CO Bethany Home Rd "WANTED 1st Cis mechanic, hnay man and automotive pain'er Yrsr 'round work i Au'O Box 431, Phon 5471, v'l-e, Ca'fornia A ANTE man preferably married, between 2 an 35 wl 4-0419. COOK wanted f.len Canyon Steak Page. Arizona DUE to illness.
q-xkI ootentlal. 8 Phoenix Mortgage Co. cafe, dance hall, hvtna ajarters on NEW CLASSES BEGIN JULY 17-24 19 acres. See 14 mite North Wick- DESERT Landscaping "PAINTING, fast, professional serv. -r "nr drC Ka'-landscapin'TX rV- FREE Fill Dirt AL 2-2068 JK- JO YE 7 8,54 oSdeWn enou'g on Highway 8.Vagabond.
NORGE ecens hug market with DAY OR EVENING Secretarial. Accounting, Business Administration, Teen Aqe Typing, Kev com operated dry c'amng ow MtTTIWr, innn AOMTW YE 3-2291. w. Of WHV.1T IIV On D-'JO- v'vwv of America most fabulous untapoed inM I HAULING, moving. Cleanup.
LEAVING for Akron and Oev- BUILDER'S LOANS IF YOU HAVE BWIOINO MONEY PROBIEMS CALL ALLEN THUM OMAUEv lUMBfcR CO J626 E. Indian School CR 33l LANOSCAPiNG. new lawns, clean rTi i.rk rn rViv-IrVP''' has been ceotionlst, Comptome'er. GrocerVj'. kcbc.f '58 BR 6-4535.
Hand, July 27th. Tak I or 2. year e'd distributing business, ups, spravmg, malnttnanc. Week or Checking, O'fit Machines TRFAtiilRP located modern CR 7 1P29. 115 000 Inventory.
Handling essentia month. YE 9-5204. equipment, experienced, reliable andi "CARS to Seattle, Portland iSan items, $12 "00 wi'l handle call Bobi SEWING Wl contioentiai. uiver avanaoie. prancisco.
AL 3-3331. I 1st mtos. fast 8, friendly service Howard, CR 7-4U 265 65C8 i Tr iwvi tsK j-rvua rates and or percentage. Box 32-YK, Cpntrl Investment fnrn 8, SULLIVAN Bill's Cooler Service Reoubiic and Gazette, rml car. Fenced backyard.
VSRITE, PHONE OR WIRE FOR details ahout me NORCE dry clean, er, NORGF CO'n operated plus how to gt started. 0' 5 yr financing available. POOR GRADY CO. Modern Refr gera'ed Classrooms NO CONTRACT TO SIGN Monthly Tuition AS LO AS $'0 FREE PLACEMENT PhoneWrit V'M Lamson Business College "Arliona's Oldest 8, Lroest" 134 N. Central AL 8 7947 REAL ESTATE DEPT.
40 Thomat NEED MONEY? PAY THE HIGHEST POS $4 1 up Exp reliable, Gyar. CR97485 YE 7-3943. tREES removed "AL 14 i PLUMBING and carpentry work TAVtRNS MAN needs ride Phila. rea by JuJyJ 8jJ961Shar dr iv In VC 210-Special Notices "THE Revolutionary Reaction Engine belonging to Preston Enterorlies of 1633 West Campbell is nearlnfl successful completion ot testing. SIBLE PRICES FOR 1ST 2ND MORTGAGES 8, TITLE CO.
CON DY tnff nour. Tear or xayv! We buy diamonds, old gld AL 3-3503. TRACTS, LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. FAST SERVICE. 264 2154 BELL 134 W.
Wash. AL 2-4670 4150 N. $17 500 will buy cne of these- 1- side, rew, beautifully decorated on busy street 2- S. side. new.
best nf eauia 19th Ave. Phoenn, CHILD care. Wl 1 47C7. SWIMMING lessons. WH 3556.
Arijona O'BRIEN INVESTMENT CO. CLOTHE5POLES installed com- '1141 W. McDowell Ph. AL 4-2166 plete, $15 95. AM 4-3921.
MEN WOMEN To Train For Motels rAM't ina ar hnlrf vnu 1 78-Help Wanted j-n, good velum, rira RiBYMTTIWr. vl rhlU rar Female SMALL SUPER MARKET room tor c.ll bCDT tlllllvlM aU4.1M'hnms fin nr turn rh.lHran Anv SULLIVAN AM4-i8M'hom Sanc'ng- Ta-i' OroT WANTED- Registered tarnaie clin back from tho motel Industry, If you Ideal for $8 50 weekly. South Phoenix perienced cntrator meats, beer win CR 7-4S1 area. BR 6-7185. qualify vou will be trained In iSef service Central Investment Corp.
REAL ESTATEDEPT, 40 Thomas local tuxunr motei. rree placement servic Phone for Into. lai viuiiyayo luoiis AND CASH FOR YOUR CONTRACTS FHuijsrrle AAfn X. Ins Cn license, spacious aisit witn tsiana counter, refrigeration, adequate parking. Good corner lot on mam CR 4-S57S; CR 9-1942.
trimming. HANDYMAN can flxlt LAWN Srvlc. Tre AL 2-3763. artery. Priced at Piut in WHITCOMB SCHOOLS (Estah.
1933) ACVE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE s.auTanf 'ISX UvTrvT.i.S IRONING. North 9th "Stret. 19' E. McDowell AL 7-4362 ventory. Good terms.
MONEY-MAKER aoie. Broker. AM6-8J11. jP4-IJ5. ical lahorrry Technician.
laboratory. AL 4 4.77 I WHITE housekeeper, 21-55 Full I cha'oe. Two bovs, 1, 2 strtvng References. Live In. 122 i ScC'sdale.
v'H t-3716, BOB "Home of the Big Personal Interviews Monaa i nrn to tl CO A V. anJ 2.30 to 4 30 P.M Central fc Thomas. I FAVILY type I'ying plus incomej In echanoe tor Imht houiekeepinqi end ch id care Wh't on'y. Call, 4 7 to a or to only. PAINTING bv hour.
Reasonable. ARIZONA EMPLOYMENT COUNSELORS Work guaranteeflLBR 6-3533. Good NW No. 7 tavern, large car OUT" of "state owner business Potential unlimited. Good CARPENTRY.
Remodeling. Bootns. tooa taciinies, Lrg or mH mount for mortgages, contracts or special purposes. Immediate action. iWliilllillwrTlf ITT 1 1 CHECK GREGG'S Prudent Student Placement Policy GREGG COLLEGE 840 NCentral ALJ-2331 cabinets, built-in, furniture, antique restored.
Daywork. Fr slimts, rtd. Cash walkout P'lc CALL MR. ARNDT SJeSJ.i'Mse. Phone 9-1321.
LOCAL CARWASH I Net Incorre down OAVIS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AMERICAN BUYERS MTO. tO 1-6923 Classifies! Sav You Tim and Ltsd Ymi th LBADERS ka their Fiei. 2001 E. Roosevelt AL Wl 3-7745. HAULING.
Miscellaneous, appli SULLIVAN REALTY 1003 E. Cmlbk. AM 5-7888. AP I 4642 ances, AM 6-6308. FAR WESTERN PLACEMENT BUREAU.
HAULING. Cleanup. ALJ 2258. INC. 190-Business Opportunities payment.
Pumps. 250,0) ga'lons per year. Long lease, reasonable rent Complete auto service Call Tom Venetian, CR 7-487B; CR 7-5126. Central Investment Corp. 2nd Mortgage Money FOR ALL PURPOSES $500 to $5000 AL I 8250 WE BUY PROPERTIES WALL wasting, painting, carpen POWER sevung machin operators.
10 Sou'h 2nd Avenue I MANICURIST. SOS West Thomas Rnad CR 7-7237. STRONG white woman to care for SPECIALIZE IN WE ter, reasonable. Danler. BR 6-46)8 REAL ESTATE PAINTING spraying, cheap.
Work AIR CONDITIONING OIRT Air Cond. Heating Sales Servic OVrT'Top-Soil, Fill Van's Air Metal AL24598 Weekdays, Sat Sun. AL 2-2068. FULLER EMPLOYMENT AGENCY REAL ESTATE Dent, 40 E. Thomas In NW r.anrf location.
Sim MuiD-l tirRVICE ment. Good lease. Wl 4-7M2. Iwtssle 8, dittr.butmg Whether VOU HARDWARE. New stock.
7th Ave- TOP SOIL-FILL DIRT APPLIANCE REPAIR HXTnCBTSA? S'MAft 5HATC MTG AM 6-8403 MONEY TO LOAN! All sir Inantt anv araa: any Bros. guaranteed. CR 9-8697. IRONING. AL 3-1845.
'WILL keep children "1nmv home, fjv days week. CallAM 8-8954. HAULING trash, miscellaneous, WISH to retir. Buy this food drlve-i are buying or selling it will oav nue and Missouri shopping center in Do sam In few years. Good you to i us.
call Bob Howard, corner Five year lease. Dath n- 8, APPLIANCE SERVICE Repair all horn Appliances. buvl Ownr. J4C8 East I I n.CR 7-4876; 265-6V8. wm GILBERT SULLIVAN AM CALL HOYT JONES AM S-799I DIRT MAN.
BEST TOP SOIL fill. Cheap. AL 2-1853. Best Valley Top soil 8, fill Cheap. 272-4i8fi.
school. ntra nvesTmenr iorp. w- reasonable. YE 7-450. EXPERT dressmaking, "alterations; CR 4-4015.
i SUBDIVISION with w.iter, Phx. 272-3431. Night 272-3761 1 AUTO PARTS I BATTERIES, Tires 8. Accessories RAY HINKLE CHEVRON SERV. 504 N.
2nd St. AL 6-5369, ESTATE DEPT. 40 E. Thomas HOLD THE PHONE -js nu cn CHLE5 LOVE AUTO CEALERS EMPLOY. AGENCY MACN'INN'S EVPLOYV.tNT SERVICE NELSON EMPLOYMENT SERVICE e'deriy invai'd woman On tA h-five or sn am basis.
Phone, A 6 2224. O' CR 4 432J SF.CRFTARY tor established busl- ness firm vests In Phini. Must be e-perienced in typing, Simple, bookneefiing and ganerai office woi kmd'y send resume statmg your qualifications and pease e-i close choto Address Inquiries to; Bo 50C4), Phoenix, 10. Arizona. SINGLE.
Attractive 5I-T0. Will' t-ain, Waitress Own transportation 70' Et Mivland. AFTERNOON wait'ess Must be1 No Sundays. 4JS West; imium plus Interest. Panoramic landi Packaae Food Distributor PLASTERING and patching." Rl modeling.
YE 7-1148. 1 Co BR 2 M96. .1 vour contract best ofter from Before vou sell can 8, get your AUTO REPAIR ECfecTRICAC run rs rxr ro a.ixos Johnny At I tunac" nt iWl, auto reounaing LT- GISELE. French dressmaker." DRUGSTORE cssex, iwj ourcn wu.j-tjji censeo, bonded contr. AL 2-41J7 signer.
Alterations. My Ik y-a4oo Security Mortgage Co. THE HOUSE OP GOOD DEEDS 421 N. Central AL 8-6077 ALTERATIONS. Mending.
CONSULTANTS VESA PERSONNFL Of- shopping center Sure money maker ExCFLLENT tASE FENCINd" AM a-7445. BATH A MASSAGE Finest business of Its kind In Phoenix area, grossing monthly. No telephone information pieae Call Boh Hnwa'd for appointment CR7-48'6: 2656508. Central Investment Corp. REmsil? P.pJ, F.
7 Beauty Salon nlr tnr CARPENTER work, small or uain 8. massage. 4401 oienoai' rree kii- always tree appra saiti 45 a 1 vc e.siAt iMi ca PRItfcU IV MLL. OWNER HAS OTHER PLANS PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT. INC.
In sirxi IWI rah for ex- v.raiiinnniB udt siucra i rm. nn. t- 111-j k.h', u. Utlno 17 refinance second AP 5,33 Steve's Massage. Air conditioned 10-6 Block wall fences, guaranteed.
Fret mortgages! ContrSctsI Friendly ccxjEj BOOKKEEPING account wantedj6513 Nc7th.St,.(M.n Onlr. CR 9-9452 stimate. AM 6-3060 anytime. Washington. WANT refined whit lady capab'e fun cha'on household whan Family of eight, two small children 1 months and 4 months, your primary conrnrn Some traveling, must have driver's license for Hav several other good buy In stores.
stores STATIONERY-GIFT SUPPLY EUSINESS Lncatad In Park Central area. ooDortun.ty tor aggressive merchandise. You buy only fixtures Inventory. Worthy of vour moylry $2000 earnest money required for reootiatlon. Call Dudley DON WOODS REALTY 5144 Central Ave.
CR 7-4811 Sun Eves WH 4IB5 feous tervicei torn OCOSSO r-two. ann anccrsgn awmnn mi 1 Thomas Mealey Res. Wl 4-3781 Can ments" 1222 North 24th Street. LEE MARSHALL REALTY bH 5-8034, BR 3-0371. CHILD car.
My home. Any nourt. kocx steam oa'n, totonia BR 6-5891, to 9 2620 N. 7thSt.CR 7-8593 GRANITE CARPENTER Summer homes." al- VIENNESE Massage on vacation. Red-Sranlt Fill DlrtToo io'il! 'IMMFDIATPt additions, anywhere.
40 40 w. 1st av. scottsoai wit j-B 8iivray cranit wi j-rvai, re esi. miuixwii, on, illU 1T1UI lyOVrX Utl HUHIIlF IIUTHSTJ. im onviia, Hrs.
Crushed granite Wl 4-7821. WH A-75'O SWEDISH Massaq 8, Bath Dry Cleaners and otber prot'iatii buvs $5,000 dn. payments 8. up Call Jimmy Jay today. 10-8.
13007 Cava Creek IKACK CiRANITt PIT Open Sunday Wl 4-1931 income property, existing contracis.rvears experience, nates reosonaoie. etc. "Tom Grosso 3-2918. BR 3-0371, BRM286. REAL ESTATE II AA RATE's-TERMS GILBERT A SULLIVAN AM 4-1888 0 LI (VI Is KMIOICKVIO 482 N.
19th Av. AM 4-4941 MINGUS MOUNTAIN 416 co*cktail, bar, x. coffee shoo, llv ofrs plus 4 units, 2 gas pumps, etc dn will handle. Long Gov SPECIALS IN co*cktail Bars, Taverns, Liquor Stores 8, Llouor Licenses SHRAGGE REALTY SAHARA MASSAGE Open Monday to Friday 11-4 HAULING TRASH. clean.nD.
araHfnn. 210C E. Taylor AL 1-4182 WILL buy real estate Additional planting- Keievenngr tklp- Complete landscaping? BATH and massage. 13236 WH 6-1170, Cav loader, moving. CR 9 5442.
lorai transportation. Nice nome, own P'ivate quarters, room, hoard, salary plus use of automobile. References Write Box 46-RX, Republic and Garefte EXPERIENCED help fur dm rleaning shop. Apply 5104 fvcrth Central. HOUSEWORK, Ce threi children davs 5 Own trans-po'taton Peimanent position.
i.S WH 6 81.16. HAIR Stvlist, High fashion tease artut, and assistant. Top location nd clientele Call for try out and Immediate employment. WH 4-7701. HOUSEKFFPER Full charoe Two small children.
day week. CRf-76'3 auimnot ED POST REALTY 5(VI No. Central Ave. AMherst 4-4711 Creek Road, Wl 10 til 6 MASSAGE AND BATH SHORT ORDER nd Co'tee So doing $45,000 yr. IShnnping Or.
Lnc. Closed 1 mo. Vr. Mrs fr Only $10 000 dn. Mi's resllv worth looking Into.
'Scott 8. Kvsar Rlty. 77 W. 3rd Ave stoo WH 4.65;,5 sdsdaie Res. WH 5-5807 1811 E.
Indlano'a AMf52J6 CR 7403 IT PAYS TO DO BUSINESS WITH PRIVATE ENTERPRISE CLOSED TODAY SEE OUR SUNDAY LISTINGS cne I PiSF- Semi truck Arizona Gardens, 'Yardman Service' 277-8061, Mondav through Friday LAWN service. Cleanuos. Spraying. Reasonable. AP8-0C0.
ALTERATIONS. 266-0067." "BO-PEEP Nursery 4949 East McDowell. $8 per week. Morning, evenings. 275-8728.
COOLER tervic, duct. Installation. Wl 3-10J7. WILL do "anything for $rooo, as Service Station. Gila Bend- Ariiona 211 East Roosevtlt AL 4-7857 524 35th Av." 6RJ-427l7For-mrly AP 8-8918.
11-7 Closed Sun-Frl. BOOKS 'BOOKS, magazines sold, xchanged. 2716 West Van Buren, BUILDING CONTRACTORS" BETTER built for less, remodeling, FASTEST SERVICE On real estate loans for new construction, remodeling, consolidating bills. FREE ESTIMATE APPRAISAL Security Mortgage Co. THE HOUSE OF GOOD DEEDS on Highway 80.
Recently remodeled Drive In Money Maker jment. Best F. location. Plenty parking CANOSCAPIKS VALLEY -Leveling, Grading, Hauling.
WE 6-3061 LEVELING, grading, cleanup 8. hauling.CR 9-2513 O. G. Buck, LAWN SERVICE CUSTOM lawn sarvlc. By Icbi landscaping 8, cleanup, WH 5-941.
Custom mow edge-average Yd renovating 8, rotolilllng, CR 4-9643 RELIABLE Lawn Service Average lawn $5. AP 8-2444. Clanups. NORGE COIN OPERATED DRY CIFANING And LAUNDRY VILLAGE NOW BEING INSTALLED IN YUMA. ARI70NA GRAND OPENING WITHIN 2 WEEKS repairs, additions, carports, patios, Licensed 8, bonded.
BR 5-2944. long as if is not Illegal. Student). BR 6-3802. ai iiTt ai 4014 1 Wonderful layout.
Nets over $1000 lawnmower' business" ie Established 8 vrs. Warranty con- Wetzel Rlty ASSOC. Inc. tracts all popular small ngines available to aul'd party. BR 6-6111, pp' sTs' Eve AM 5-6568 lo DRIVE-IN Nice business.
Low J. f.J Vm. i 2 I 0at- dn' Or consider clear, late model S.nm ove th vvO 9-0112, till 5 0 m. Iv In demand all oyer the wor a. v.n.,i 421 N.
Central AL 6 6077, "CONSOLIDATE- BILLS" $1500. $10,000 2nd mortgagesl T'Tom Grosso Investments," BR 5-8034, BR BLOCK work, fences additions. BR 6-6230. BOOKKEEPING, typing. 254 9654.
"CARPENTER cement, p'umblng. BR 6-1742. CEMENT contracting. Do ar, LICENSED contractor, FHA approved, remodeling, add-a-room, etc. Quality work, reasonabl prices, free estimate.
YE 7-5344. WIGWAM Too Small?" Call Apache Builders 24 hour phone serv. 264-4769 PRFAKFAST waitress Must be eire'ienced. fll am. or 4 pm.
West Roosevelt MATURE woman care 1 child, dve in salary- References. WHf: FXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRE TAHY WANTED. Good salary. Five nay y.eix. Two qirl office.
Call for Interview. AL 8C88. DIAMONDS PARK CENTRAL Construction Employ. Serv, READY CASH PRIVATP CASH TO BUY 1st 1 MASONRY ARIZ MASONRY "WI3-8739 BETTERMA50NRY. Brlckrblocls thing in concret.
Patioj Special u- ivi ro a iiu' unsurpassed in evrv asprst Centr! Suit 309 CR 9-6215 NvFTucuT h( itnn hi i -lxi nw mnk i am prepared to W'iII trade tor l.ind, paper, most need $3700 and II am handle. Leo Kramer naint. talarv aood wi -oer. 2nd MTGS 8. CONTRACTS.
Pavs patterns and colors PREP esf Rumndal.Raaalr.Patlns nrnnarlv Prnfitabl bUS-1 Realty. 4-291 J. repairwork. AM $-029 Ad ns. Won't be underbid! Wl high Possible orlcet.
Sea befor; CARPENTER, cjbinett, you ell Mor mony to vou. AM 6-4717. METALLURGIST Degree $750 Atlas 7U 720 PROFIT RETURN ottered UO TO 90S financing, This Is an opportunity to get Into thl most wanted business without delay. nasi for man or woman, dux buhimb hti finishing. Wl -880.
Avondale, Arijona. J. L. Misenheimer Remodel A repair. Licensed bonded.
Free estimates. 276-1029. BR6-9J5 WE specialize In Home Com. PAINTING, reasonable. BR 5-2927, Immediatae opening for exoeri- SACRIFICING, dandy littie mon Arizona Mortaao Inv.
Co enced personnel NCR 32 posting CONTACT ey maker, estannsneq luncnmwn desires! mercial remodeling, New room addi 816 Title 8. Trust Bldo. AL 8-1017 JOURNEYMAN plumber Title 8, Trust Bldo. AL 8-1017 route, tun wuippeo, oniy uuwn. Broker.
AL 2 9446. for RE mortgage rpalrwgrk. 274-1864 tions, carports sman commercial. Elmer Schler, CR 7-7409. POOR GRADY CO.
Rust Shedd, Broker WARNING NW BAR $3,000 DN A Small Contractor Mortgage on commrefar property GILBERT It SULLIVAN AM 4-1888 540,000 or two with $20,000 each plus ability to loin us in a successful ooeralion of building materials. (Evervthinn for the flo-lt-vourselfori With distributorships in other lines we buy direct and hav connections mane and want to expand. Several successful vears behind 11. Not In distress. Box 49-RX.
Republic and Gazette. WOODWORKING shoo. Three bad-room block home One acre. Broker, BR 3 0478, fJEW store C-2 reasonable rent. 2615 North I61h Street.
-SPECIALIZED- 34 Monro Rm, 720 AL EMPLOYER'S SERVICE "YOUR CAREER Is our Butlnss" DOWNTOWN 427 Security Bldo 254-2674 PARK CENTRAL 3300 Central Rm 224 1 79 9 441 Well eouipped. Main arterial location. Good neighborhood business. machine operator, Accounts payabl clerk Receptionist, typist-personnel office Apply Personnel Office DIAMONDS PARK CENTRAL Brl Sat 10 tn 12 Mon, 12 to 1. PAINTING PAINTING need work.
spray roofs. WI 3-6266, CR 7-0292, PAINTING. Paper hanging. Roofs. Quality work.
Bob Bair. AM 6-1496. AVERAGE "rm," Brick. stucco. $60, Vinyl paint.
AL 8-3593. Bob Cushman, CR 4-3529" SPECIALTPRICES ON I 3-9370 PAINTING, PAPER A I G. REAS. BERENSCHOT. AM 6-7175.
VAN A7WAGNER. QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED. AM 5 6811, Don't let a storm break your trees causing expensive repairs. Have them trimmed, topped or removed by experienced qualified tre mn. Fully insured, free estimates.
X.MIPPH THP-P SFRUICF Will do your lob personally Licensed, bonded Add a room, carports, patios. Free estimate. PHONE AL 4-8202 Pallos, room additions 8, tmall C. T. Cariise aw w.
inumn CR 7-3303. 4150 19th Av. AM42154, Phoenix WH 58336 evenings 8. Sat, 8, Sun. GOLD nd copper mines.
Broker. AL 4 1674. RESTAURANT for sale, under $1000. Good leas, fully equipped. 3320 East Thomas Road.
ONLY Richfield Station In Ash Fork. Buy stock and equipment Since 1949. CR 4-6340. 1648 N. 44th St.
BR CARPENTRY, cement," roofing. Reasonable. AL 3-9046. I BUILDING, remodeling. AL 3-9046; REAL ESTATE MTGS.
1st or 2nd To $3500 UP TO 5 YRS. TO REPAY LOW RATES, NO SERVICE OR APPRAISAL CHARGES EXCHANGE FINANCE CO. KING-- SELLS. CHEVROLET AGENCY IN COOL NATIONAL Corporation needs part tima secretary, Typing, filing, gen Room 724 O. Box 314, Ash Ariion.
CARPENTRY 2727 N. Central PROQRE55IVt, BUS 1 news'" Uhratl IOD sngp. uuuu. wyiy Mida shorthand not nec ARIZ. TOWN LUi' CEMENT work, Licensed con- PATIO' covers.
Average "Install. tractor. Patios. Driveways. Side- sq.
ft, Remodeling, new bldgs. ctbi- ment. $10,000 down. Box 92-QX, Re ONLY 3 YK5 UuU. MILK DEPOT Rept.
gross In '60 growing fast, Beer license Included. $15,000 w'handl. Ownr leaving town, call now, UPHOLSTERY SHOP Xient loc. leas, only $2500 cash, 2 employees owner can handle. Clean work, good hourt, orders booked 3 wkt.
ahead. BOB BRUCE Realty public and Gaiett. Republic and Gajette. I34 w. Monro Rm.
720 AL 4-7067 WHY FRONTAGE. OWNER MUST rnviixs Asphalt paving all kinds. Concret walks curbs. Ray Steven AM64621 DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS Court A Specialty coo tale Beautiful new Haskin waikt. euros.
t-ounoations nfrtels. Licensed, bonded. WH 52845. floors. fJ; ADDITIONS," PATIOS, 8.
CEMENT, roofs, REMODELING. CR 4-i849. CONTRACTORS. -I" $160. 10x20 CARPORT7PATIO Robbln.
31 Flavors stor, To 214 No. 1st Phoenix AL-2-3081 KtLcr 1 uivs. ciin nYFP'S ShKV Lt 5J? sG lenda lndalY 6.7-4726 anctinniiu, sn, t.tti 1 1 opened toon In Yuma, Ariiona Excellent opportunity to Own you Phoenix ad aoency. ptt Schrlmshttr AL 4-2613 Business1 nr art enoer ence neiptui, iui PAINTING, wall wasnmg, small bldgs.
AM5-5I66 "YOU CAREER Is our own profitable business and oprat per hour. AL 8-5137, riDDCMTCD hinmin 197-Money Wanted Add-ont pTa'sterlna. new or raoaT? DOWNTOWN 427 Security Bldo 254-2674 MATURE woman, btoy Silting' repairs, patios. AM 5ELL. BKOKfcK, am l92.Businessow0.Bnr WILL BUY For cash any kind of buslnes Stock Machinery, Equipment anvwher In Arizona.
AL 8-6981. ATTENTION Coin Operated Laundromat, Owners, Hav Cash Customer for Laundromat, Westslde. .1 in co-operation wnn tne most mi cesstul retail lc cream merchants BMUeCjYVJ-8152, WH evenings. AL 8-3133. 332 E.
McDowell AL 8-8675 CARPET CLEANING Till Insured 1st Mto. Discount PLUMBING log program in America, lbii nnr Marvin AL 3-9351, 9-5 weekdays. PAINTING, spraying, cheaper. CARPETS CLEANED Bl 1 1 tad YIELD 10 vital. Good typist, personable, ma.
lure, Moderate salary. 5 days. In own handwriting qlv details, salary Box 81-YK, Republic and Gillette, WOMEN bartender to work In Pavson. Apply P.O. Box 10303, Pno- "'nM irs uni, MnA naneral Insur CAFE t-ree estimate SMALL INDEPENDENT tervic tiatlOrt CR 7- 029 CITY LICENSE, 20 Yr.
AM 5-3343 Satisfaction guaranteed. CR 9-8692. addressing. My home. Pickup, delivery.
AM 6-4200. Inv't $4,649 pavt a mo. 66 mo. tor AP 8-1769.
PARK. LtNIKAb 330 RM 224 579-9441 l85SchOOlS Triimna Real Estate Class" STARTS JULY 19, BKRS 8. SALES Just off N. Central Av. clos to Mesa Investments Inc.
SEWING machines repaired. Guar RICHFIEI OIL CORPORATION you want to sen can narry nunsun, AL3-4J07. Art Centre Realty Co. anteed, AL 8-1794. Has iervlce stations for.
lease, lo $11,000 FIR5T contract to trad ance girl. Age 20 to 25. Experienced desired, not essential. Submit resume cated In Phoenix Partial finanilivi 3J00 E. WO 4-7435 Interested In CAPITAL- GAINS? Looking for growth from your Investment? Wa think hav som-thlng worthy of your Investigation.
CARPET Installation cleaning, t-re est. 15 vrs. ep. BR 2-3355. CARPET LAYING 7 Carpet Installed repaired Days, Sun.
25J-6569 CEMENT-WORK ALL types cement work, very reasonable. Free st. CR 7-8971. CEMENT WORK 4nr hnslnext nr stock, apartments. PLUMBING 8.
GAS, Repairs new work. Fre estimate. 258-4284. LICENSED plumber new consti remodeling, repairs. YE 7-3228.
PLUMBING GAS ADAMS. AM 6-539o. Plumbing, repairs, gas, a new work AP 8-4536, BR 2-0697 PRINTING Urr-rau, lllIUTC Bli vailabl 'O quaiitiea applicants, Paid training provided, For. apot. what hav you, writ uit norm PEGGY MlLLtK SCHOOL OF REAL Brown Spots In Yard? Sprav now for BERMUDA MITES Brownies Tree Service BR 2-3327 HFl keep Phoenix clean, let utn street, call AL 165l I a m.
to 4 30 p.m. iorapp.oinimenjrji,tiyoo.. Downtown pnx reporica about $80 per day rent only $50 mo, Low down pvmt, Quick possl GRACE GRACE REALTORS, AL 8-6758, Res. BR 5-9612. HEAVY "DUTY EQUIPMENT REPAIR Leas thop 8.
quip assum current contract. Writ Box 64-YK Republic and Alter P.m. can TEV-ur. 1628 Oshom CR 9-264 CR 7 '152 sSflFNTlFIC BEAUTY SCHOOL To Loan. Small Loan 194-Money 35S.
Central Av. AL 2-2694 Tavern 3365 W. Van Buren NETS $1,000 MO. OWNER AGENT in own handwriting giving age, marital status, and experience to Box 20-RX, Republic, and Gaietl. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aned.
Car? of two chldlren. Refrigerated home. Private room. $75 monthly, permanent, CR 4-6441. WHITE married woman, 30 40 years for soil Ice cream and sand, wich shop.
Experience deslrabl but Alternate weekly, day Any kind SterTlwalk do the work! Kills germs, beautifies, makes butlnest ploces at- trartlu. VP 9.170? CR4-2B83 601 Adams St, Phon AL 4-4768 SAVE Wl 3-07C1 CEMENT, BLOCK 8, BRICK WANTED: White woman not over Tavern 906 N. 35th Ave. r.onn r.pnss. OWNER AGENT is hnarrf .1 small children, vour ALL phases concrete const.
75 BE A GROCERY CHECKER Earn uo to $2 11 per hr. We Offer To Investors FIRST MTGES FIRSI CON1RACTS 2N0 CONIRACTS SERVICED a. COLLECTED Security Mortgage Co. THE HOUSE OP GOOD DEEDS fcxp. satisfaction guar.
Yfc49V6 home. Youngest year old. ijcwrvur. machines. 28.
Hot nuf, DRY CLEANING East Hadlev. Bobby Smith. All types concrete 8, block work shift. AdpIv Monday, or Coin and service laundry with candy and gum, 1 and, 5c. Never used.
Sell very reasonable or trad CEMENT work. Driveways, pallosSkilled workmanship lives. YE9-4072 REMODELINO REMODELING ADDITIONS contractor, Herbert R. Button YE 7-1576 Short, inexoenslv course terrm. Approved Ariz Groc Assoc Tuesday 5-7 P.m.
3414 North 1 Awaniiai floor. Reasonable. YE 7-8571 sidewalks, cleaning pick up station, well a.tahiihaH In shoooina center DRIVEWAYS, patios. W-im- Lie. Wl 2-5459.
curbs, r-ree estimates, 63 LOCATIONS! Personal Loans in ANY AMOUNTS; Krw eauloment. Nets $950 BE SURE, ATTEND THE FINEST LOCAL Insuranc office wants i. oanoral ce work. 9-5, ALL TYPES CEMENT WORK 421 N. Central AL monthly, Exceptional leas too.
ESTON SKINNER CR 7-8391 fiv day Week Reply to Box 5-RX DRIVEWAYS PATfO S7DE WALKS; $3200, ti, Vrs. Rllabl prl- MUSIC ana amiisrmni rnns.nine rout Well established. Mi Interest net per month. Will aell mv Va Interest for $58,000 cash. No terms, Your Investment secured by eouipment.
Books open. Reply Box 9 RXt Republic and FLOOR FINISHING SANbBLASTIlsj65 RICHEY'S Gardening. Planting. Hauling, Renovating. Clean ups.
Fertilizing, AL 3-1626. ATTfoM NANCY'S Nursery. Lovlng child care In my home weekday. Fenced Xard. 25chour.
Hot meal. BR.6-5779. BODY and tender repairs. Auto naintino AL 8.0415. vat party, vooo creoit rating, dux ASSISTANT bookkeeper whod AL 4-3657 School of Mkt.
Checking NEAR FAIRGROUNDS Ji McDowell Hiqh School-Home Study 7 ctn int. i nrire 7.sofl annua 50-RX, Republic and Gaiette, mrSTlK "Saturday "ill Complete Sandblasting Servic WISCOMBE SANDBLASTING CO. 3410 5. 16th St, BR 6-603'' profit. Enough equipment lor 2 full crews.
Should double profit uihltn. live In, If both crews ar worked riLinu Ar rnna. room, board, sa uuiii intarulew 5744 North 37th 12-MOS. .00 27.00 45.00 97.17 AMOUNT 100 300 500 1100 18-MOS. 31.11 66 61 Sine 1897 Standard Book upplld Small payment.
American School COFFEE nrlve. 8 a.m.-2 P.m. NEED $6,000. Pay Back $9,000 On vtar. Collateral worth $30,000 Given.
Box 94-YK, Republic and Gaielt. Phoenix Mortgage Co, for Till Insured First Mortgag 7 and 8 industrial catering route with LAWN servic. AL 2-1636. SIGNS painted. Truck lettering.
AP 8 370,1. GARDENING;" CR 4-2448. IS YOUR CREDIT BAD? rree estimates a-aw, ox i-iun "LOW SUMMER RATES All kinds. Palios a specialty. No iob too small.
Free est, 946-5679. CEMENT FINISHING Patios, melal reinforced to prevent crjckmg, no extra charqe Y6 3.181. BR 2 3949 BY doing rriy own cement finishing, I can give you a belter lob for less money. CR 9-J8V3. CESSPOOL SERVICE "CESSPOOL, pumping, guaranteed 1 Year.
"Call the ludge" WH COOLER SERVICE "WAGNER Cooler Sales YE 9-2445. OFFICE GIRL a. onnH IvDlng essential 100 net annually POco*ck-ELZEY, INC. "HLS0N SAW SERVICE 9 S. 19th Ave AL J-064 SOFT WATER Service only $1 weekly.
Used Soft-eners $40 up. Sarvlsoft Water Srv. 1127 E. Ind $ch. CR 77201 TELiVISION RtPAIR TV Repairs your home any tlm.
alt 3710. N. 36th StAM 6-0084. LEARN BARBERING Immediate openings avallabl. Arizona Barber College AL 1-4255 2 E.
Jettaram ATTENTION Comet Comes To Phoenixl ARIZONA' nwtt full Una discpunt center now icceotlng applications for leased depart-ments: Must be too operator willing to Snorts Shoes Automotive Jewelry I iinoana Linen Domestics PAYMENTS INCLUDE INTEREST! 1137 E. Cameiback Rd lkv-vsoi Must have transportation. Good pay. tn.4 davs. Box 32-RX, Re SHARP RESTAURANl NW Ar you bankrupt can now loan you money.
11 N. 2nd Av. Suit 2)0 AL 8-8259 LANDSCAPING. Instrument grading. New and old.
Llcnsed. Wl 3-4961 SWIMMING lesson. Wl 3-5819. MORTGAGE PAYMENTS GUARANTEED Residential 4 Incom Shorl 8. Mid-Term Serviced 8, Collected nftxrrintiuA -jollier on request public S.
Gaietl. Phoenix Beauty Acad. VALLEY NATIONAL BANK 17Ea3tyn Burn ai, j-6563 experienced' only. Capable Only $3200, Fullv enuionea. nwu cash dn.
8, $50 monthly on balance. Good lease T. Cjrlhf llt. 2200 W. ndlan Sch, CR 7-1Sj CLEANING PLAMT Wei astabHshed, top prices, axtra nar.tinn UJIll ornst approxi t-ree estimates, ck 9-U34, 213 N.
1st Av or call AL 2-6565 -UPHOLSTERING CAMERON'S Boatt Camerat Drug! Sundries Patio Furnltur Nurssrv RKords Bill's Cooler Service SCHOOL of REAL ESTATE meeting public. Aractlv, persona Ity essential. Wrtt ullv Rox 4B-RX, Republic and Gaiette. noir.uT aldrlanf olrl for bUSV TOP QUALITY Fabric 8 labor" at Exp, reliable. Guar Floor Covering Men't A Boys' Clothe witn in Ona vaar.
Collateral worth bottom prlcesl Budget Uph, CR7-75I1 $4 up CR 9-7485. Class or home study courtes. Fre placement, 5J1J N. Central AM61209 30.000 with over Vi counter nnunl CTeaiun t. $15,000 Given.
Child care. Full-l part time. 2634 West Luk. CR ROOFING, Sav "with Goodyeari aluminum, 10 year guarantee. Free stimates, ny type Mathus Root Sales, BE 6-4636.
"pick, up anything service business. $3000 down or wl trad. nilice Good typist, light $1 hourly. I vi nukj'Gniiii, vkvti i iv urn Prompt service. Pakan, Wl 4-4488 "ARIZONA School of Bartndlng ALSO ANY OTHER DEPARTMENT COOLER pads S.
yalleyCoolerPad Person-to-Person Loans East Phx.i 3714 Thomas CR 77461 Northwest: 4834 27 Av. CR 47251 te 1 1 1 if rui rn 1 iu. Co, AM 4-4375, and Gazette. O'Brienlnvestment Co. Wl 3-BBI6, 2505 THOMAS AM 6-4426.
opportunity. Box 24-RX, RepuD V. r.arelte. IPHOLSTERING," FURN. REPAIR-D REASONABLE, AL'S.
BR 5-6410 REUPHOL 5TER. dlvan 8, chair. Send reolle to Box 62-YK, Republic and Gazettt. G.I. APPROVED In Mesa 439 W.
Main St. WO 4-8004 ALL TITLES INSURED WORKING MANAGER wir.HT 11-7 "am. Bio 4-2166 AL 1141 W. McDowell DENTISTS $49 50 Fabric nd labor included. Tim's Drlv In.
4401 Norm 8 Int. Electronic training. Learn In our modern Ariz, Laboratorle receive AJT.T1- A I tralnlna A MynAi-iAnra pays For milk depot drlv In with beer and wlna 8, some groceries. $7500 day" servic 258-0629, on Saturdays a m. to P.M.) "Th MONEY Store" Little Loans Corp.
SHELL OIL CO. 1,700 2,500 nt at value vou discard. Gneral haul- Ui W0i5iUiUl-, needed. Salary $100 week I Percent- mo, mo. mo, mo.
mo. mo. 'hirT" presser. Pari Launary. 4110 North 7th Avenue.
BEAUTICIAN wanted with follow- so necessary for In the Downtown Mrvlc station avallabl lertrnnlr Indiistrv. Full or part lor leas. Excellent commercial lo- nt. WATCH repairing, s-ompicie ovri- i 35 I 60 65 $150 aoa nf net ornflts. Money secured and plctes for out-of-town ANY PC.
bed dlvan set Dr. Ediiar 8. Pease. Member Call-eted In 10O! nylon frier $795. fornla of Dental Surgeons, phoenix Couch 3706 W.
Clren 245 Fox Theater Blag. AL 4-3943 don. AP 1-8921. pays pavt pays pays pavt 4,000 6.510 8" i 8 Interent. Option to buy, See Mr.
Coscarelll, discount, 6q oae. 25 int. haul Including malerial, $350. Int. ICR 9-2272.
time. Also extension course. 2241 W. cation. $5000 required Investment tno Northeast location, lk i-im.
ur Gaiclle. Republic and Box 45-RX, 1002 N. 7th St, Indian Sch. Rd. CR7-4U29.
(For appt. call R. C. Earle, AL 1-8911.