The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

MAIL COOJJUeULLDOC (Section 3) Page 9 -The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Arizona Thursday, October 6, 1955. News Of Persons And Events From Communities Throughout Arizona VESSMUL vice-president; Joyce Smith, sec retary-treasurer; Sharon Hu-jouk, chairman of worship committee; Rickey Fulton, recreation chairman; and Kathy Kirkland, refreshments. Bill Garner sponsors this group. The Friday night desert-bridge met in the home of Mrs. J.

Houston Allen. Florence 5LAUKIXE T. GLADISII Republic State Correspondent FLORENCEMrs. T. Hen-son and Mrs.

A. A. Westerman attended the Central District Fall Workshop of the Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs on Tuesday in Phoenix-Florence teachers, school board ior visited Mrs. Joe Ekstrom Saturday night. Mr.

and Mrs. John Parks of Clifton were weekend visitors of their son, John, and his family at Central Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Griffin and children of Blythe, visited Mrs.

Griffin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fernandez, oyer the weekend. The VFW Auxiliary will have a regular meeting Friday with Mrs. W.

F. Zufelt in charge. 1 jw If M' if Those attending were Mrs. year. Mrs.

F. P. Burke and Clara Buzan of Superior were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. H.

V. Hage. The Pinal county sheriff's posse board of directors and the executive committee of the Junior Parada met Thursday at the home of Charles VVitlow. i The Little League Ball teams of Florence were chosen to benefit from net proceeds of the Junior Parada which will be held Nov. 26 and 27.

Money will be spent for improvement of grounds and for equipment. Mrs. Nellis Shipe returned from Los Angeles Friday. Florence Earle has returned from a two-months visit in Indiana and Texas. Mr.

and Mrs. Hilding Berg- members and their families were Franklin Barnes. Mrs. Murl Gar-guests of the Rotary Club dinner ner. Mrs! John White, Mrs.

James Miami E. It. KIELGASS Republic State Correspondent MIAMI Mrs. John Marschall entertained at a luncheon and card party at the YMCA Friday honoring her sister, Mrs. Margaret Shepherd of Wickenburg.

Mrs. Shepherd has been visiting Mrs. Marschall for the past two weeks. Mrs. Elese Van Campen has moved to California.

She had been with the Miami Commercial Company for-13 years and was buyer and manager of the ladies ready-to-wear department. Mrs. Marge Spaulding is replacing Mrs Van Campen. Members of the Community Presbyterian Church honored Mrs. Van Campen with a farewell reception at the church Thursday.

Thursday evening at the Federal Borree, Mrs. Wilbur Freeman, Mrs. Howard Hamilton, and Freda Tuttleberg. In this modern age every woman should realize how important douching with ZONITE is for feminine hygiene, her health, married happiness, and after monthly periods. Weak homemade mixtures DO NOT and CAN NEVER give the great germicidal and deodorant hygienic protection of ZONITE.

No other type liquid antiseptic-germicide for the douche of all those tested is MORE powerfully effective yet ABSOLUTELY SAFE to tissues. ZONITE is positively non-poisonous, non-irritating. It completely deodorizes, promptly washes away germs and waste deposits. It leaves you feeling' so dainty and refreshed. Buy a bottle today.

Use as directed. If any abnormal condition exists, see your doctor. prison recreational park. A skit, group sinking, and introduction of teachers were part of the program-Mr. nnd Mrs.

R. N. McGehee. Mrs. Florence Guyn has returned from a visit of several weeks in San Francisco.

RELIEVES SIQTI ITCH your money back! ZEMO-a doctor's cooling, soothing antiseptic promptly relieves the itching, burning and soreness of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Athlete's Foot and Sunburn. Stops scratching (or your money back), try it today. r(tY 3 sizes all druggists. ZiVlllU Mr. and Mrs.

T. C. Henson. Myrli Eob Carter spent last weekend Loper, and George Brennan were1- in Las Vagas. New guests of the Ajo Rotary Club Saturday night.

The Zata Chapter of the Delta The Junior' High Fellowship of lKaPPa Gamma, a national honor- t-; Sary soronty for women teachers. quist, and family of Wellton, spent mot in Fmir vntnrnav Thnco at. tending from Florence were Mary O'Brien, Louise Beuhler, Marion held its installation of officers Sunday evening at 7 p.m. at the church. The Rev.

Stanley N. Jones installed the following: Jackie Hopper, president; Patsy Hopper, the weekend with Mr. and John Bowling. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Jump have returned from a visit in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. James Dodd of Kansas have recently moved to Florence.

Dodd is employed at the Crough. Mrs. Robert Hobart, and Mrs. Pat Murphy. The sorority will meet five times this year instead of four as during last Only (SceyEiQUBidl (Ders 12 Tcops Daily FROM PHOENIX TO TUCSON vj, Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Campbell, Clarence Carpenter, and William Humphry attended the district deputy meeting of the Elks held at Tucson Saturday night. Mrs. M. L.

Massey, her daughter, Diane, and son. Tommy, will leave Saturday for Birmingham, where Mrs. Massey will attend the national convention of the Emblem Club. After the con- vention they will go to Arkansas NOW IS THE TIME I Tucson to Phoenix 5:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

Phoenix to Tucson 12:40 a.m. 1:15 p.m. to visit Mrs. Massey's mother. TO VIEW YOUR VACATION COLOR SLIDES 35 MM SLIDE PROJECTOR Reg.

12.95 now 10.83 35 MM DALITE VIEWER Reg. 1 .00 now 77c 35 MM ELEC. TABLE VIEWER Reg. 6.95 now 2.C3 TTiii Cifl pcinn Miss Irene Goodale, 21, blonde ail and blue.eyedj is crowned Miss Cochise by Phil Arden at closing ceremonies at Cochise County Fair Sunday. Miss Goodale, a graduate of the University of Arizona, will compete for the Miss Arizona title in November at the Arizona State Fair.

(Marty-Dess Photo They expect to be gone a month. 6:35 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 5:15 p.m, 6:00 p.m.

8:55 p.m. 11:05 p.m. 4:35 a.m. 7:45 a.m. 8:10 a.m.

9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

7:00 p.m. 8:50 p.m. Mrs. George Valdine of Super 12:45 p.m. 1:40 p.m.

I fin Dawii HnUt A nv Item 'til Dec. I5ih speaker at a meeting of the Florence Music 'l 1 9 Think of "KLEE" first and last for vagin*l discharge or irritation. Direct Connections to NOGALEl Through Express Buses GREYHOUND 1st and Van Buren AL 82731 nan a Maurine Bryant rresided at the meeting, which was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Meyer. Mrs.

J. R. Treat attended an all-day meeting Monday of the Federal prison camp. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Sl-ater have returned from a vacation trip in Kansas and Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. II. H.

Freeman, Mrs. Marcella Mohr and daughter, Sandra, have returned from an extended three months trip in Iowa. Canada, Alaska, and the Northwest. Mrs. Mohr took a 3-months leave of absence from her duties as city clerk of Florence.

Junior High School classes have elected their officers. The following presidents were elected: Bob England, 6B; Jim England, 6A; John Ohlfest. 7B; Alan Fulton, 7A; Eddie Celaya, SA and 8B. Ladies Auxiliary of the Federal i prison elected the following iofficers recently: Mrs. Fred Jump, president; Mrs.

Harry Cochran, vice-president; Mrs. George Pen-nel, secretary-treasurer. Attending a three-day session I this week of the state Synod and Synodical of the Presbyterian Church at the Mountain View Presbyterian Church in Tucson are Mrs. T. C.

Henson, Mrs. Frank Gorrell, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Downing, the Rev. and Mrs.

S. B. Hannah, D. R. Erittain, and the Rev.

Stanley Jones. Arizona Federation of Music CEOTEK Phone AL 4-5616 J. R. Walker and Mrs. Frank VVhatton.

Mrs. Clyde Burnside, president, will be in charge. Hostesses for dessert will be Mrs. Melvin Gam-mage, and Mrs. Biggs McWhorter.

The Women's Missionary Society to the First Baptist Church held a meeting in'the church parlors yesterday. The Rev. John F. Trader, pastor of the First Christian Church, and Mrs. Trader, are in Phoenix to attend the ministerial conference of Arizona Christian Church which concludes tomorrow.

1633 E. McDCWELL Clubs at the Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix. Mrs. Treat is a member of the state executie board. Season activities were planned for the various clubs of the state.

Mrs. Tom Fullbright is spending several days in San Francisco with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones and son. Mrs.

Jones is the daughter of Mrs. Fullbright. Casa Grande BOB McXEIL, Republic State Correspondent Presenting $3iue dird OVER 9,000,000 FAMILIES WITH THEIR COUNTLESS MILLIONS OF CHILDREN HAVE KNOWN THE FREEDOM MAYTAG WASHERS BRING ON WASHDAY! oe6 Mrs. Charles Abel will outline the study program. The meeting will be conducted by Mrs.

Bob Simmons, president. Today, Mr. Trader will be on the program for the scripture reading and prayer. Mrs. Arthur Mayberry, presi- dent of the Ladies Aid of the i church, will attend the Arizona i Christian Conference tomorrow.

i Mrs. Lester Johnson will be i THE EXCLUSIVE The Sodality of the Church of Ham ton and son Tommy wer Ar, held4KltSr, fTs weekend guests of their relatives, moat mtr 1 rtnnur i hn r-1 c- I meeting Monday in the Parish and Mrs. M. A. Augusta West fcfteutattd hostess to the Coolidge Musicians' Club at her home at 8 p.m.

today. Mrs. Richard Nowell will be co-hostess. The business session will be conducted by Mrs William Hazeltine, president. Mrs.

Clayton Hakes will be program chairman. CHILDREN'S SHOE House. Mrs. Robert Kelm presided. Plans for furnishing of the kitchen and other facilities in the Parish Hall were made.

A general meeting of all members of the church will be held Oct. 16 in the Parish Hall after the second mass. Coffee and do-nuts will be served. Earl Crofford, president of the Chamber of Commerce, presided over a short monthly meeting Tuesday. Katherine Kelm.

who was last summer's winner of the scholarship to the music camp at Arizona State College. Tempe. was guest Wadsworth. Frances McNatt was in town over the weekend to attend the rodeo and visit with her parents, the Carr McN'atts. Don A.

Trekell returned to La Jolla after a few days here on business. He and Mrs. Trekell will return in a couple of weeks for the winter at their ranch home on Trekell Road. Mary Lou and Frances Ann Kohfeldt of Phoenix were overnight guests at the home of their grandmother. Mrs.

F. B. Appleby. Saturday and Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Arments KICVED DECODE has her been p'ac INCVCK. DErVwUxE Disneyland for children! The Migrant Ministry group of been a better shoe NEVER BEFORE en than BLUtBIKU: coonage win meet in the social hall of the Community Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow for a training course, according to the Rev. James M.

Nelson, chairman in charge. All persons interested in the work for migrant workers are cordially invited to attend. GENTLE Sr. and Sally and Mrs. Fanne Arments have returned from i three weeks spent in Illinois and jWisconsin, visiting with friends and relatives.

i LMATiV ANTACID HEY KIDS! Ask for Your FREE Copy of the Disneyland Booklet And Don't Miss the New Walt Disney MICKEY MOUSE CLUB KTVK Channel 3 5 to 6 P.M. Dr. H. B. Lehmberg was pro-: gram chairman at the noon' meeting of the Casa Grande Ro-tarv Club Tuesday, and presented Bill McGlocklln SAYS: Uli IH 3 E.

L. Kinsley, recently returnea, from Europe, who showed col-j ored slides of his trip. The Rotarians voted $100 as contribution to a lookout tower, for the newly formed Ground Ob- server Corps. The tower is to be placed either atop the city hall or Paramount; Theater building and will cost ap-; proximately S00. Mrs.

J. J. Kruse has just re-: turned from Long Beach. where she spent the summer. MAYTAG ACCLAIMED THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WASHER IN AMERICA! SPECIAL 3-DAY MAYTAG SAL Uptown Piaza, Camelback at Central 124 VV.

Washington. Phoenix 126 V. Main. Mesa Yuma Nogales SUPERMATICS" ALL MAYTAG "CUSTOMATICS" "THRIFTMASTERS" AUTOMATIC WASHERS AT SPECIAL RATES! "Let me show you the exciting 202 h.p. Ford tonight.

We're open till 10 P.M. Come and check these low, LOW payments, too." COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC Just set the dial and walk away. Your Maytag does all the rest. Flush-to-wall construction. AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL CONTROL Accurate and flexible operation.

Controls both wash and rinse. Use only 14 V2 gallons for small loads much less than other brands. FAMOUS GYRAFOAM WATER ACTION Most copied feature of any washer, because it gives the cleanest, gentlest wash for all fabrics. SAFETY LID Positive tub brake stops all washing action immediately when lid is raised. Perfect protection for tots and mothers alike.

DOUBLE SPIN TUBS One tub for clothing, one for water drainage. Clothing spun dry without tangling; soiled water does not streak clothing. Only Maytag has it. MAYTAS QUALITY Famous for long, service-free operation. Water exposed areas por-celainized; steel-cut gears no "pot-metal" used.

Margie I loll is spent saturaay in Phoenix on business. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hanco*ck and two children are moving to Phoenix to make their home. Coolidgc ANGELIN WESTERMAN Republic State Correspondent COOLIDGE A program on Indians of America will be given for the meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service in the Methodist Church social hill from 9:30 to 11:30 am.

tomorrow. Program chairmen will be Mrs. THIS WEEK ONLY! SALE ENDS SATURDAY. OCTOBER SPECIAL! I I I fi Tttdor NEW FULLY AUTOMATIC MAYTAG WASHER DUin11" Tudor a ord spdn It To'wn'ian Victoria 60.44 51-31 Average 5 AND YOUR OLD WASHER We couldn't make them better if we charged more. THE EYEGLASS SENSATION OF "55! SAVE MANY DOLLARS! SUPPLY LIMITED! Buy Now! Price of S9.98 Includes Frames and Lenses H-re is Eirat rv-vs ali ou ladies interested in highly styled fctasses.

This week vie ofler yuu the Rim-Ci jeen. These combination zyl and gold-tilled First Swedish Union Wins 5-Day Week STOCKHOLM The Swedish painters' union and employers have reached an agreement giving the 20,000 union members a five-day week. This is the first time a union affiliated with the Swedish Federation of Labor has been able to win a contract guaranteeing a five-day week. The work week will remain the same 40 hours. HUNDREDS MORE BUY FORD READ MULLAN MOTOR CO.


MODEL 121-A frames wit'r: tre rrt senuine 1 io-l-K. sia iuiea ensrravea oringe. emooay an me ocauiy f3hKTab combined with the sturdiness of a metal frame. Best V-o ire lenses you need, in the color you want, they cost you only AN PAY MORS: ef all. nrr.r Yor i Sole ends Saturday, Oct.

8 and may never be repeated! 100 STYLES, SHAPES COLORS! Price Includes Frames and Lenses! You may choose the Rim Queen or select a frame to suit your personality and facial contour from our tremendous assortment of frames and gold-filled in various shapes, sizes and colors ail at one price. SOfS: Bifocals, if desired. S4.9S- additional. SPECIAL SALE TERMS 3 DAYS ONLY NO MONEY DOWN! NO PAYMENT DUE UNTIL NOVEMBER 15th! FREE DELIVERY UP TO 100 MILES! (Note: Maytag Washers Carry Full Factory Guarantee At AH Times) NO MORE. NO LESS Article in Readers Digest Reveals Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension Is So Often a Needless Misery! You Can't Pay More! FOR MEN FOR WOMEN For Children ALL ONE PRICE ONLY $9.93 Does your hushar.d.

sen or daughter need glasses? We are not forgetting them. At the same low 59.95. we can supp.y tr.ern with, eiasses complete v. the frame their Iirze assortment 100 styies. shapes ar.d colors to choose from are Kuaranfecd to satisfy the most discr.mmatin? taste.

We suggest you buy now wruie prices are lmv! OCULISTS' Prescriptions Also filled at same price. Your presc ription promptly filled. PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES ot same low price REPAIRS Broken lenses duplicated. Frames repaired. Frames replaced while you wait.

Lowest prices ALL GLASSES UNION MADE No Appointment Needed! No Switching! No Extras! Do you suffer terrible nervous tensionfeel jittery, irritable, depressedjust before your period each month? A startling article in READER'S DIGEST reveals such pre-menstrual torment is needless misery in many cases! Thousands have already discovered how to avoid such suffering. With Lydia Pinkham's Compound onri Tnhlpts thev're so much hap stopped or strikingly relieved pain and discomfort 3 out of 4 women got glorious relief! Taken regularly. Pinkham's relieves the headaches, cramps, nervous tension during and before your period. Many women never suffer eten on the first day! Why should you? This month, start taking Pinkham's. See if you don't escape pre-menstrual tension so often the cause of unhappiness.

0 pier, less tense as those "difficult OFTlCiAKS OVER 3.000.000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 14 N. CENTRAL AYE. HOURS: 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M., Including Wednesday Saturday 401 E. Washington Street Get Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound or convenient new Tablets which have blood building Iron added.

At druggists. 6y Kti doctot days approacn: Lydia Pinkham's has a remarkable soothing effect on the source of such distress. In doctors' tests, Pinkham's la doctors' tests 00 amaiinf product, 3 eat of 4 womca got relief of nerroai distress, paia! Woaderfol relief during tad before those -difficult 1456 E. Van Buren Street Open Wed. and Thurs.

Nite 'til 9 Goodrich Bidg. Su.te 602 Open Thursday Nights 'til 9 P.M. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS Branches in Principal Cities of U. S. and Canada FOUNDED 1904 Open Thurs.

Nite 'til 9.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.