"If The Arizona Republic 0 American Stock Exchange TW STtANCf WOLD Sales Net Sales (hds.) Hiflh Lew Last Chg. (hds.) Huh Lew Net Last Chg. NEW YORK (AP)-Following Is complete list of stock-bond transactions on the American Stock Exchange Thursday Sales Net (hds.) Hitt Low Last Chg. A 26 171 I6' 6't Prort Silex .100 3 3' 3'- 13'. Gianntnl Con Giant Fd A .40 Giant Yel Progress Mf 11 usiness 9-26 41'.
12'. 493.4 3 10' 26 12V. 50 10' 24' 3 oiibert Glass-Tite 9' 24'-7 12'. 484 10' Aber Pet A 3 10 I 13 6 Acme Ham 10'-- i 23 3- 1. yS Acme Mis Acme Prec a 2i 10' I43.4 5'4 17'2 14 II 3'.
I '3 263'4 64 9i Admir Plas .20 35 13 10' -t Prophet Co 60b 145. 3 Prou Gas .60 5' PuerRicTel 1.80 17' 2 Purit Spt .40 14 Nat .60 II li.I Quebec Lith 26' -I 3,8 ol'l Radiationlnc .251 ,2 Ramer Ind Ramo Inc 0 7 Rapi Am .50 Rath Pk 1 i Ravetle 1 534 2' 3 8'-! 49 4 10'-J 13 17 "4 I434 3 2 5-16 2 3-16 i oienDisB .70 GiobeSec .40 2')-- Gloran Kn .40 8' 7 Gobcl 2' Goldlield 49 -I' Good Ml 4 Goodway Prt 10-' 'Gord Jly A .50 I i CP 1.20 7'. 3 Grd Rap 143,. Mia 3' i r.t a i4 Phoenix, Dec. 7, Aero Flow Aeroiet 1.7SI Aeronca Mf Aersol Agnew Sur Alrpt A .30 Alan Wood Alaska Airl 55 i 16 21 4 10 2 4 32 13.
50 4' 103' 13 1714 144 3 V'a 54 7 3H TP 7 6 iReal Inu I HI 9iv, iy, PET 3'-4 Gl Lak Chem 43,. 3)! Your Mono's World 13' 10 I4'4 434 17'7 14 10' 3'. It, 26' 4 6s 9i, 20' 3 10 3'. 4 2' V. 23..
3'j 1-32 6 163.4 27' 3 33 "4 2', 17'-, 7' IS1, 6'4 78 3' 3 43, 7' 16 11-16 2'. 3-4 oris Freeh 1 9 150 46 19 44 4 15 4 2 Real Prop .96 Realty Eq Realty Fa wt 7 7 Reeves Brd 3' 3 11 3' 7 3-64 6' 17' 7 275 33'i 78 9il2 69 8' 8 84 27 7 634 7 15 20V 3 5 12 113,4 12 '4 6 25 24' 3 25 20H 1934 193,4 28 934 9 9', Sn 6 7'7 73 7'2 6 l' 13, 134 5 234 2''2 234 1 99 4 54 4 1 5 414 4' 4', 22 7 4 73 74 '3 17 IIV4 10' lO's 23 334 31 33 '4 2 4'4 41,4 41 4... 4 15'3 15'4 153- ta 4 9 834 9 V. 5 134 P. l34 15 9'9 13-16 26 3 5.14 3 11 5 4', 4'.
1 3 4' 434 434 19 10'. 10 10 '2 2 15 15 15 V. Keeves snd ,5, IReinsur Inv ml Ins 2.40 33' vi, Cp iii 7" Guerdon wt 6 W. Gull Am Ld Gulf St 1.37t 85', Gulton Ind 5' i 14 34 Hardeman 12 2'4 2 AlaPw pf4.20 All Sta Prop Alleg Alrl A I leg Cp wt Allied Art Allied Pap Alloys Unl Almar .34 A I SCO Alcoa Pf3.75 Ambass Oil Am Bever Am Book 1 80a Am Bk Strat Am Business Am Electron Am Int Al Am Israeli Am MARC Z350 855 85''3 4 11 6 434 "iRepub Ind I Rep Tran Ind IReslstoflex 4 Restaur As '4 1 431 155 473 Appliance System For Dream Home 14 5 23-4 173 183 78 234 174 lfli. 63,4 'II 78 a.
8 Harr Corp 5' 3,8 Harnisch 1 314 '4 Hartfld St .751 Rico Arg RilAlgom le RioAlgom wt RioGrVG .16 DIHh Ci. 1. 1 Hartf El 3 23 5 1 7 I5 19 J'3- 35 4 4s. Dnhln An 47 43,4 5' 7 35 13 2' 2' 334 135. 45.
2534 3s, 3'. 934 1 26 MANAGER Bill G. Rowley, formerly of Southern Airways, has been named district sales manager in Arizona and New Mexico 8 Am PetrofA Am Seal Mr 5'. 3' 13 3 3' 133'4 43 26' 35 3' 9'. Rogers Co 7 Rolls Rov 04e 19 3 15-16 3 11-16 3 11-161-16 Am Thrd pf.25 4 Roosevelt 2 53 53 narv Rad 3 Harv Str 'Hastings .40 I334 V.
HavLitho 45 Ind 26'4 'iiHaiel Bish 35 Hebrew Nat 3. HeclaM .50 Heinicke 98 Helena 1.30 14' 4 I4 an AmwritP 1.60 Z1350 Ang Lau A 15 5V. 3', 8' 22e Antn pools .24 1 to for Frontier Airlines. He 730 98 13 33 18 39 18 Roose Rac Rosenau Br Ross Prod Roval Am It Roy School Rovalite iRusco Ind Ave Ryan Pet 24 143b will have his headquar- iATLaGas i 3 534 5S, 143 10' 31 78 10 12'7 7'. 75 13,, 293 By SYLVIA PORTER THE APPLIANCE manufacturers constantly dazzle us with promises of a work-free, worry-free home, but when are those dream kitchens of the future going 1o arrive? Appliances are being turned out in ever more intriguing colors, sizes and shapes, but are they really any hetter 51, 5' 2 14'4' 10' 2 30 27' 78 9' 123 73, 7'3 13,4 7 2)0 S3, 5'3 14' 4 'a '4 30 11, 27' 2 Vi 7e 9' 3 12' 7 1, 734- 73, 7', Heller 4 pf 4 25 Helmer 8, Helmer Armour wt lOe 13 ters office in Phoenix.
Hend Pak .30 P. 5 2 9', 14'. 3', 2 33. 20 33. 22'.
5' 7 53'. 8 5 2 9'. 14 3'. 2' 3 33. 201 33.
5'3 '4 4'. 1B' 10'. Arnold Alt lAr Alt of 1 Asamera 1 Assd Svc .20 Assd El Id 13e 3'. 8 4'. 2 9'4 14 J' 21 3'3 20'm 3l 22 5' 7 S3, 4'.
18 10 Hilton Hot wt oe 8. Co 25s 3.4 1 35. 4' 2' Is 5 9' StLawrCp 1 Salem Bro SDiegoG pll 12 tnan a decade ago? 4 4 7 11-16 11-16 11 16 l-16 Saw Arms .20 13., 13-16 3' 2 4'. 2'. l'.
43.4 8'4 8' 4 2'. 83 57 3 4 Assd f-a 5t .20 Assd Laud .121 Assd Assd Test Astrex In Atco Chem 19 181 Saxnn Pan Frontier Foods Union Vote Set 4' 1 si 'Holfm mtl I Holm Ind 9 3 linger .60 8'4 1., Holly Corp 3 1,: Holly Str 3- 1.60a 57 I Home Oil A .25 li 1.11 Hormel 1.40 3 Here, from Herman L. Weiss, vice president and group executive for consumer products of General Electric, are some 6 3 i screen Gems .60 20 18' 34 IScurry Rain 17 10'. Atico Fi 07e 11 '4 WiSbd Air 75 S' 32 5' 3 Atl Co 2.40a 4 57 Atl del Golfo 43 13-16 13' Atl Research 15 13' 13' Horn .80 iS il State Okays Offset Site 4 13'i 13s 135 ii't-r "4 iseaiectro 20'. Cp 94' 3 ''4Seeman Br 8.
Ltaz Atlas Mi 62 7'4 Pf 5 .501 .80 answers about home appliances which may; An election seeking decertifica-startleyou. of Teamsters Local 274 as in i 4 15-16 15-U U.U Hoskins Mf 1.60a 19 141-4 133.4 14' 4' 3 5 5 Miias k.p wr Atlas Ge viAtlas Sew Audio Dev Aurora Pla 7-16 How El .501 CP Hudson Vit .70 Hvcon Mfq I uai gaming afjeni in empiuyes 12'4 For Sonoita Oil Wildcat Porter: Where are those dream appli 143, 1414 at Frontier Foods, 1524 N. 18th 2 5 113 2 13 178 Auto Rad 4' 11'4 223-4 81 '4 25', 43 1034. 22 83 25'! 43 10'4 22' 3 62 3 25' 4 -I6 12' 14' 3 6 45 5 41 ances of the future? was set for Dec. 17 yester-'Auto sti p'd 2 53 41 '3 3 Hydrometals 'i Hvgrade 1 IMC Mag H- 6 imo Oil 1.20a Weiss: Actually, the dream kitchen of the Natinnal Labnr coil ib l'4 6 34 lis 293 94' 2 27'4 6'3 30' 4 14 2 23'4 5' 15' 2 I 4' 3 81 40 34 133.4 734 90 33 10'.
903'4 33 31' 8 3''4 83 I0'i 43 3 14 13-16 9 9 1' 6 34 11' 29'3 20'4 94'7 27' 4 6''2 30' 4 141 2' 5'. 153, 4' 2 A'. 403.. 133 7' 89 3', 10' 33. 31 8 1'.
3'. 83 01 178, 3-16 83-4 Thp mountain States Exploration Co. yesterday col. a State Oil and Gas Department drilling permit to make a second try at. ppting a deep test 10 miles northeast of Sonoita in Pima County.
6' 3 t- (Servo Cp 30' I Servo Mech i SetonLea 23. Wat 1 5' SherwWm 3 '5' 3 siboney Cp SignalOIIA 4'2 Silicon Tran 8'. Silv Crk 40', 3, Silv Miller '33' ''a Silvrav Lt Simpsons .80 2J'SlickCp 33 101-. 3Soss Mtg 90'-. SoPennOil 2 'SCE orgpf .96 31 4.78pf 1.19 8 4 nDi 1 09 5 2 24 1 3 11 2200 5' 2 lions Hoara.
Bailey Sel n'. Bald Mot up! James W. Cherry, NLRB resi-iUJ? p' imp TbCa soe 1 5' 3 11 1 5' 3 10', 15-16 10' 2 28', future is here today, hut 9f) per cent. America's households haven't caught with it. Innep Tel 1 fl-16 Porter Inpls P8.L Pl4 6'-3 41, 2 28U 6', 8', 16' 32 27' 7 2 28', 6' 7 8', 16s 323,, 27'3 13-16 13-16 13-16M6 idem nmcer in Knoenix, saici a Bnnrt inn 1 .501 petition requesting the election Barg Town vArinnmntc.
liL-rt -1 i tr Ar r- i Barnes no I 23 7 10 4 1 1 ln Am i Bn 17 23 16' 7- 32 27'; '4 26') 22', The future may hold 2 Int Brew The mountain states exploration No. I State at that location stopped drillins at 1,150 feet after hitting a heavy flow of water near 750 feet. The rotary rig will be skidded 50 feet east for the as (jccp as necessary to shut off was nieo oy faui iviaruna, 1 Barry Wr 50 12'. 1 Int Hold 3.97e 3 26' 2 11 11 un onnku. .1 oarions jua 26' 223, Int Stretch 2 5 22': Baruch Fost 3830 W.
Rovey, the plant. Such transistorized motor detectors in lawns to turn on sprinklers automatically or home vacuum cleaning systems in 23 12 11' 1 1 93, 3'4 48' 87 87 1 petitions 28 29 710 i 4.56pref 1.14 1 3' So Cal Pet 4 83 i Speed Prt .381 2 iMi ,1,4 rrop D'05 0 o'rl ,6 inves Roy 3. ir 1 laPSv pf 3.90 iii. amII IpcoHosp Sup 1. Air, 23 which the housewife would merely set a few dials 1oibear the signatures of least jjTEct nroeram her vaeimm rlonnnr thon loavn iho Vini.so nnH 30 cent the employes Inst 173', 14 II 75 I' 20' 7 173-4- attempt, designated the: the flow of water in the area.
A 1034- iMountain States Exploration No.jCalifornia capitalist, reportedly is State in the northeast quarterjbacking the venture to the extent 20'3 1 .1 ,1 1 17', 12 434 7 46 6 7 13 3 3 3.. 1,. Israel bum 9 "ISpen Shoe .371 1 7' Sperry wt 1-16 Sports Ar 'Std BdPaint 8'. std Dred 10 1 ttnrM rift Ah 173,1 14 10' 3 7i3k 1'. 20-3 8'.
24 12 4' 5' 5 9 8 75 7-Vb i come home to find the job done. These are all before an clection is au'i gfS 'fe Bickfds laxd 9 me nui uiudM udiit-i in oc-v-iujiuqj jd() 1)11) 25 243 16 10' 93,4 24 0 Tnwnnhin tfl south Ranee ISi JCHSIOIP. r. .1 1 laryci ut'pin lor me inij. wen 4-s4 ij-10 u-io j-10 std Forg .50 5 2 1-16 2 1-16 2 1-16 Utd Metals 3 25 23 25, I std Thorn 18 9 2250 24 1 12 15 4i2 8 6 1 43 51 I 1-16 8 24'.
7 4 2'3 2 10 4 23 5 east. John K. Petty, state geologist, said the new hole will be bigger at this location was the Devonian at about 5,000 feet. The No. 1A is expected to go all the way to 43, 1 244 2'-j 12 4', 5'.
V. 43- 1 V. 2' 2.. 10'4- '4 165 18' 7 2 112 7 18 2'i i Bethlehem CP Birdsboro i Blauners Bloom Bid .50 Bloss Hyd Bohack i Borne Chem Bouriois Bowl Cp Brad Foote .10 Brandy lh I Braz Trac 4' 634 2 11' 15' 9' 2 Z200 1 5 19 20 7 13 45 3 23 4 3 57 26 1250 5 iiJeflLAsb 4 it JeffLPet V.ijef)LP Jetronic Ind 7 '3. jupiter cp "i Kaiser Ind Kaitman 1.
Katz Drug 3 1 Kauf8.Bd Kavanau .84 IKawecki 2' 's Kilembe Cop 19 ''iKingsfd I Kin Ark Oil 5 'BiStTube B.10g iviStanrock star ind .80 2... istarrettCp 11 V.siatham In 'I Can 91 3 'a steel Parts .50 24' 2 UklPlma Sm 2' 7 43,, 13. 8'. 6 213-4 78 143,, 2 16 2' 10 22'2 29 2' 7 434 734 63 21'4 6'. 14 l'-7 1' 16 234 93, 22 283.
3 11' Contractors Name Officers 10' 15' 3 2 163, 165 so that surface casing can be setjgranite. 9' 3 243j 1 18'7 18'3 27 9'7 9 13 17' 3 17' 4 17' 3 ''3 111,. 2 1 11-16 1 11-16 1 11-16 stepChem 11 I' Vt Va steohan Co .30 Breeze CP T-, Brillo Mf 1 4 133 13' 4 Livestock Market 31 2' 103 103 inorne oi inorne con- Br Am oh 3 i Sterl Al Pd .7: 18 sterl Prec 16' 2 '8 Stnn Qhnn 4flh 13 13. 17' '3 56 17 Erik V. struction chairman Co.
has been elected j-r Kinney Svc 20 16 13-K 534 5 13-16 Kirby Pel Strong Cobb 3 23, 10' 3 I' 7 20' 3 45, S' 73, 7', 6', of the Phoenix Chap-'lrooks insl While it isn't practical to produce, we have developed a Rube Goldberg machine which could take frozen food out of the freezer and put it into the oven before the housewife gets home. The day surely will come when we will have home dry cleaning units to stand nex to your washers and dryers. Right now it would be possible to have cooled closets for your furs or clothes conditioning closets in which the heat and moisture are controlled to remove wrinkles. Porter: I'm a modern housewife, but my kitchen is no dream. Weiss: That's the trouble.
Most housewives think defrosting is a loalhesome chore but the readily available automatic defrosting machines are not widely enjoyed. Very few families are currently enjoying the benefits of air conditioning or of programmed ranges with their automatic timers. Many homes have isolated labor-saving appliances, but the kitchens are not properly laid out to make effective use of them. 20i, 51 5'' Furnished by S. Department of Agri- The steers were good and low choice 7' 4 culture Livestock Division Market News grades and brought S26.50-29 25 Holes 2'" iServic.
igraded good and went at $75 50-26 75. 6, 1 Bulls sold up to 520. Vealers were HH-nl. '3 PHOENIX (API-Direct trade slaughter- steady sheep trade, wooled slaunh- ter. Independent Contractors As- Brown fb '40b Zl J4 15'.
15' 3 121. 5 143,4 143. Struth Wells Stylon CP .121 Sunair Et Sunset Intl .501 viSupercrete Sun wind A iinmbl Cin 7l 4 II 3 9 3 3 159 2 I 10 22' i 10', 5'. 143. 8', 3-16 5 2', 9', 93.
22 103.. 1 5', l4i, 8', 434 2' 93.4 16'4 isteers fair active, tullv steady: again ter flmb5 were $19.5020.50 for in bulk sold lor January and February and prime and $17-19 fnr mixed 17 135 135. sociation. I Budg Fin .40 i Others named to serve wiih him Bunk him iare Earl (Jack) Haun. Haun Ma-Bumeii Contracting, vice chairman; Buffers' Psh056o 'Anthonv Cusamino.
A-AA Tile BVD a' 3' 3' 10' 7 10' 7 I wcjer, oui goorf flnr) choice 10' 3 'demand for cattle to go East has nar- 63, '4' rowed: conitnued broad local inquiries for Kirk Natus 93, 65t 22'- Kleiner! .45 Khon. HL 5'' Kostin .40 if5" Koitin .40 8J Kratter A 18 Kropp 43, 3, KuUa Smith .1 2' 93. Lafav Rad 16' 3 L'Aiglon Lake Sh Lakev Fd 21i Lamb Ind .251 22'. Lamson 513,, .80 35s Lanst ind 11', 6' 7 63-. 383 363., 16'.
liuttrr Ami Egg 37'. both heifers and lightweight steers, these i fully steady to strong; increased volume! i slaughter calves along with limited feeder 3i3 I trade also steady. 81 11-16 2 21'. secretary; and Ivan Ohlund, Cabot Ent Ohlund Electric treasurer. cII'fj Iw 3234 42' 1'.
42J v. Slaughter steers: 300 head mostly 1 323i 6 42' 7 21 3 17 25 6 22' 916 21 '4 223,4 513'4 353 13 1 'MTh CHICAGO (APl-(USDA)-Butter: whole 1'3 16'. 2 22' 4 15' 16 12' 7 5', 143,4 1 434 17'. 2 4' 3 II' 11' 2' 3 2', 33 10'4 15 2'. 5' 3 3'.
9 16 95 24' 75 83, 14 1 93,4 145 17', 77 284 5' lis 163, 21' 7 15' 15' 3 1231 5 14' 14'. 173 7 4' 3 11'4 10' 3 2' 3 2' 3', 10'. 145 2'r 5' 3 23'. 3'r 3 9' 2 23' 3 7' 3 83. 14 1 9' 7 14' 173 71 'A 285 43-4 Supronics 4 3 Swanee Pap Sym Wav wt 113-, i svntex CP 10' 2' 3 2' Talon A 1.20 3', 1 Tampa El .88 10'.
Taylor Int 145 3 Tech Mater 2', Tech Oper 51 a 1 Technicol 23'. 3-3, Telectro Ind 93 I Teleregist 233 a.R!Telereg wt 71 1 1,. Telev Ind I CalElP of2.S0xd 750 5134 's 'VSutlet; 720 head miied good I and choice PC'ces "n.ch2,nfl 18 24' Named directors were: Phil Camd in 1.20 zso 353 lnrt rhnirp. with sireahli. end n( aondi" score tc 30, yu a un'liiuira Si" 9000 riel uprprt In Chirjar 9 Eggs: prices paid delivered to Chicago CameoPRecA 10e 8 ll'-3 11' We are inereasinclv look ine at ihe home as a system who also will serve lbs.
26.25-26.75, including several hundred sold Yuma area; 500 head good ower to higher; 60 per cent or as Campb Chib 24 3 9 16 3 5-16 3' 3... 1 Lease Plan Int better grade A whites large 2 1 106 1,000 lbs. 25.0O-76.O0. 93, 25 25 63, 5'. 3 We ask what are the average housewife's daily chores, Publicity chairman; Mack im s-ifli-wlLSceai xed 34V7-35: medium xed extras 30' 7- 26 4 5 7 26 8 1 Slaughter neiters: 280 head mostly 31; standards 32' checks 26-27.
2'-3 25,. 634 53 2' 25. 4'- V. 17 1 3-16 1 1-16 1 3-161-16 Lesilie Fay A 7 choice, good end 850-925 lbs 26.00. 24' 23' 9' 7 2''7 2' 3 6'.
5' 2' 23 4V, 73-i '-3 3, 63 what is her schedule, what does she want from 'us? Strain- Herman HmftS0 91 1 1 3-16 1 3-16. Lib Fab l.ITt 26 i auqnter ca ves: 53U good mxi-630 ns. 37 7 5-16 7 7 1-16 3-T6 21 we work with ihe architects and designers of homes Everett Christophell. Lith Am 12 Livings Oil .421 57 Cdn Husky (Cdn Ind Gas 25.50-25.75, Texas outlet; 65 good 630 lb. 25.00.
3 4' 8 B1 8 1-16 8 1-16 NEW YORK (AP)-IUSDA) Wholesale eqg offerings generally light on large and mediums; light on balance Demand lair on large and good on balance, (Wholesale 67 95 9'-. Cdn Javelin 9' j'. Locke .70 2 he built in ihe future. Range: 600 good and choice 6.w 10. steers 24.50.
fob Yuma area. 1u" 10 4V. 4 Cdn Marc iseinng prices oasea on exenanqe nnn 93-. 93. Cdn Petrof pf 1 934 'VLong Wit Dividends Declared 25t LOS ANGELES (API Producers' Stock- volume saies.i 50 8 47 5 116 7 6' 3 133 12'4 4 20'4 15 1' Cdn Will It costs far less 1o air condition or light, condition a 12 8, vards.
Ariesia: New York spot Quotations follow: 1 Canal Rand .70 3 15 634 T73-. 43-4 20'4 Cattle slaughter steers good 800- Mixed colors: extras (47 Ihs. min.) 37 home when it is being huilt than it does to do it later, Complete Dividend Declared 1' 1.175 Ib 23.00-24.50: cows bulk utility 38' I63-4 1 14.25-15.90; cutter 13.00-14.25; cannerl Whites: extras (47 lbs. min.) 10 1 2 rv am. qi ray rJ as Rate rlod Record able 9V.ll Carnation and the same is true of a well designed kitchen.
"H-ri-10 iorai ti 15. 'l-Gas Sv .72 65 Land 173. V. Lucky Fri 1.40 43. Lundy El 851.
3, Lynch Cp 37, 10 Macfad Bart I' Mack Trk wt 3-4 1 6 Macke Ven .45 223,4 1-4 1 12.00-13.35: hulk utility 19 feederlfoo Quality (47 lbs. mini 39-42. 1.50a SPECIAL Carreras Ole 21 13-16 223H- 3 steers choice 560-885 Ib. 25.20-26 30; heif- Browns: extras (47 lbs. mm) 39.40' 12-17 12-27 Castle.
AM 8 4 i.iers good 500-700 Ib. 22.30-24,75; cave top quality (47 lbs. mini 40-47. T. 10'4 35-8 5-16 15 65 173 43i 853.
3,, 10 3 1,2 11-16 17 34 28 '4 7'. 4', 1 7-1 7)r 1 15 11 Catalin 16 iz I7)r)i2-31 Cen Hadlev 15 CenMPw pf 3.50 z20 1634 23 22' 5 3'. 13 4' 7 8 4' 34'4 11 28' 3 8" 1,4 Tenney Eng 14 jTerm Hud .24 1 1 i.iTexam Oil 91, Texstar 1-4 Textron El i Text Inc wt IvZZ ThewShov .10 285, Thomp Star i--4. iu 1 I A 1. 20b 1 Todd Sho 1.40 17 Tow Univ 17'.
Town -t 1 0 1,0 1 TranS Lu S5r 3 TWA w( Transpt A 1 Trav-Ler .301 Tri Cont wt 135,. 3, Trjfn) f- Mp 4 3 TrueTem 1.20 3., 634 Unexcell Ch 27i, UnGCa .50 27't 3, UnStkYd 1.40xd ll', UnAircPd 47, UnitAsb 2i UnCan 08.G iUnit Elas 1.80 43,, Un Foods 4'4-r '4 Mackey Air Kress 40 Porter: How should consumers shop for home appliance increased Bangor 8, Aroos .125 SVStems? (O revised Edw Weiss: Consumer ignorance on how to buy home Vub svc'neer. '21 ance svstems is a major problem which w'" stock 11 20'-i 1634 2234 22' 3 i'ltt 3'-4 13 43 75 43. 333, 11 28' 3 8' 3 17', 21' 4 17 12-14 12-14 3'-4 500. slaughter good and choice 280-300 'h 13 'i26 feeder steers choice 27.00- J'7 j30.00; good choice 24 heifers I LOS ANGELES HAY MARKET 8 good and choice 24.40-27.25; good nd 43, 1, Choice mixed steers and heifers 77.50; 50, nominal; sheep 50, nominal.
1 LOS ANGELES (API Alfalfa and gram 11 hay unchanged. Carlo) arrivals: I barlev. 28' 3 '-7: CHICAGO (API The week's markellngs'2 corn, 1 snnhum, 10 flour, 2 cereal. 44 butcher hogs seemed certain to be the hav. heaviest of the year but prices held most-i 34 28'4 1 7'4 Magellan Pet Magna Oil Maiest Sp Mallory Ran Mangel Str 1.20 5 1 1', 171-4 19' 1', 1', 6 135, 4' 2 23', 6J-4 30 27-' 271 7 11'.
4'. 2 215, 45 to overcome through educating dealers and Forster 2 pt 15-16 15-1 are trying Mansf 10e 17', 191 1' 1', 6' 3 13'. 4' 3 23' 63,4 31 2734 273 11'4 5 2' 221, 414 9-16 lO5. 105 uieooid inc 5 PC through working closelv with electric utilities and builders, Harsco coc 12 8' 7 17' 1 213 6 43 Maryld Cup 82t 2 PC Iv steady Thursday on a supply of 9,500 head. For the four days this week offerings amounted to 42,000 head, up 2,000 from 213, 3,, 43, 5 pc 1334 72' 4 17'4 34 28' 4 7'4 5 1 11 I' 6' 4 1334 15'4 103 13' 6' 3 17'4 6' 4 12'.
3 '3 4' IT'S NOT TOO SOON! 23 3 11-16 33, 3s-- 14. 20' so we can coordinate appliance products with actual homelMan'shfrt building and installation. Many Americans simply do notjwa'naCeort! Tier understand what an up-to-date kitchen looks like or co Massev .40 McCrorv wt McCulloch Oil Mead John .68 4 PC 3 pc 2 pc EXTRA 114 13 1 5-16 1 ij, Sel, Most mixed No. 1 and 2 grades cleared 40''4 I 6'. 13' 7 I4I3 19'4 13 6' 4 17'4 75 6 12'4 3 40'-.
Plan your 1 2 21 .10 63 17'. 75, 6 91-6 unimo8.inv 9-16 Menasco Merrill Isl 1.20 Miami Ex to go about acquiring one. They should ask questions, MlslaGiassalm .15 10 33' 32'. 33' Unit. Milk lOe 1 43.
Cond I at but a relatively few mostly No. Is brought an extreme top of $17.75. The 190-220 Ib mixed 1-3 grades sold upi to $17.25 and heavier weights down to $15.15. Sows were The few slaughter steers and heifers on sale moved at prices about Swank Inc 77 5 43, 12'. 1 go see a modern kitchen before buying.
7 Mich Chem 10 it occur z.UDe CenSec pfl.50 ztOO ,115 CSec pfB 1.40 z25 Century El .50 I Century Geo 46 Charter Oil 16 CherryBur 20n II 5, Chief Mng 59 3-1 Christiana Oil 2 12-28 Chromal 32 2-8 Cinerama 119 1- '8 Circuit Foil 37 2- 8 CKP Dev 50 Xlark Cbl 5 1-9 Clark Con 1 12-28 Clarostat 1f 2 12-27 Clary Cp 33 1-14 Clauss 250 ClODav Cp .10 4 12-31 Coast Oils 76 1-21 Cohu Elect 16 Colon Cp .30 23 19 Colon Sd 3 1-15 Coml Met 3 12-31 Commun Dis 105 1- 10 Comm PSv 1.20 3 12-28 CompoSh 40 3 2- 15 CompuDyne 25 3- 30 Connelly 1 12-31 Con Diesel 9 2-1 Con Mng 10 2-1 Con New Pac 23 1- 2 Con Oil 6 12-31 Con Roval 20 12-28 Con Sun Ray 5 2- 1 Cont Coml .20 9 2,1 Ct Conn A 1 6 4', 61 23 6s 2'3 2-3 5 S1. 34 6 4 63, 23, 7 6' 3 23 23 5 5'. 34 6 4' 63, V- 65 2' 3 23. 5 34 1 I ujhoi una 3 Reel 5 10' 4 Am "55' 12-14 17-17 1217 12-18 21 12-17 1-3-63 12-20 111 12 17 12-17 12-14 12-31 1214 1-4 12-17 12-17 17-17 12-17 12-14 1-23-63 3-15-63 12-11 12-27 12-27 12-13 12-14 12-20 1-24 1-2 4 19' 01 UM I11'T04 Wl 4U 193. I In fAnl.
311 1 RESUMED Atlas Gen Indust .10 Spector Freight A .10 REGULAR Amerace Co .10 Armour Co 35 Finan 075 iBorman Food Strs .125 145 145 234 10 8'. 14' 7 13 7' 3'. 31 143.. 13' 7 7' Un Control .20 Univ Insur I 5' 5 48 250 9 1' 1 univ Mar .40 UtahldS .40 85 3', 31 1 3 I Mich Sugar 4' MichS pf 1V Micro Hone 14 t-4 Microwave .5 i Mid-W Ab .70 Midwn Fin 39 4 Mill Wohl .10 9 MillW Pf 2.25 3a Milo Elect 4' '-4 MinCan 5' '4 Mirro Al 1.20 193.4 V. Mo Kan cl '7 Mihawk Airl 4' 1 Molyb Can 1 Molybden 1' 3 Molybden wt 1 v.
Monoq Ind cievite Corp 35 1 Colgate Palm .30 Colgate pf 875 "The Ultimate in Luxury Living" 2 bedroom S285-S295 3 bedroom $360-5375 unfurnished includino all utilities JIU1L PAUL inc 15 2 2 II 91 91 39 9 33, 4', 5' 7 193, 7 4' 1' 15 5' 4 .075 0 7'. 10' 7 4' 9' 7 9' 7 43 10 23. 10' 3 9' 143.4 13' 7 7', 3', 31 8' 125 24 5' 3 4' 9 16 lis 13-4 4' 6' 3 14 27 3', 95 5' 5'7 12' 7 7 10'. 4 8 8', 4 3' 7'. 9'.
9'. 4' 3' Porter: Why should appliances cost so much more than they did a decade ago? Weiss: Because of the constant number of new features being engineered into them which greatly increase the value of the appliances. Actually, taking comparable products, nonautomatic defrost refrigerators, prices have decreased. Between 1950 and March of this year, the consumer price index had gone up 25 per cent while the household appliance index had gone down per cent. Porter: What are manufacturers doing to improve service? Weiss: We are putting increased emphasis on building better products to start with to eliminate many repairs.
83. 12s alspar 24'. '-3 Valve CP 5 Venture Can 43,. Victoreen 9-161-16 ictoreen 253 Viewlex A 12 11' 3 Vinco Co .381 15, Va Dare lt 4', ValrCiC .50 63, VTR Inc SHANK'S .5625 .50 .05 .15 .375 .35 t- man Gen Finan Gen pf Fst Nat Bk. Md Gen Controls Griesedieck Co Griesedieck pf Harsco Cp Jewel Tea Jewel Tea pf Lincoln Nat Ins 8 734 v.
Morse Pd 734 10 5', 3-18-63 .40 72 3' 16 8' 7 9 10 5 S3 4 2'. 59 2'7 30 1', 13' Cartbbi 4- 1 Cont Mater 22 13-16 5- 1 Cont Vend 36 5 7-1 'Cooper Jar 4 53-, 9375 4-17-63 IXCEUtNT FACILITIES AND FINEST fOOD (All Catering Manager for Rvitrvationi. WH S-952 25 1-10-63 39 9 3'. 4', 5'. 193.
3 4 1 1' 5 734 3,4 5' 5' 7 81 21 55, 63 2 4' 7 2'-7 3' 234 7 11 ''3 115 lis wan 2' 23 83 Mack Trucks .45 263. 3'a 95. Wagner Bak Walth Prec Webb Knapo Webb 8 12-17 12-17 12-14 1 3,4 Mt Clem .321 5 1,, MtVerM 1 55, MtStTT .90 gv, I-. Mov Star 21 1,4 MovielabA 55-, MP0 VidA ,40 6'-2 Muntz TV 5 35' '-3 Muter Co 4'-3 i 91., Namm Loes 280 1 023. 101 12-31 Coro Inc 1-1 .70 12-27 Cott Bev 1-14 Cott NE .24 1-16 Crane Carr 1-2 Creole 2.60 Mack Trucks 5.25pf .6562 Miss Glass 25 Swank Inc 10 Swingllne A 275 5' 55 5' APARTMENTS If 01 E.
Missouri 274-0517 Paul J. Margaritii ft Associates 1 1 I I IC MV 43 12-31 1-7 12-14 1-25 12-19 1 1, vveiiiwiii 4 1, Chem Pd .88 4 'Iwestb Fash hi .4 Develop 15 3, Wn Fnilit SAFARI HOTEL SCOTTSDALE 1.00 .175 0 am wnn appliances oecoming more uiey wlujusvitamiPharm 23 1 5'-. 22'. 5' 3 3 7-16 21 2234 95 Vi 10 1 2 18 66 44 2 2 6 21 1 35 48 4-is crestmont .091 .125 24i 5 43'. 3 253 11'7 15 4' 6', 13' 7 263 3' 93, 53 12 4' 7 14' 7 63, 6' 4 7', 7' l'-3 233 7' IP, 734 15 19 63, 49' 7 n.
7 7 9', 21 Si 65 2 363 4'7 2'7 3'4 2' 7 12', 12 1-2 Wallace 8. Tier .20 0 Crose Un Crown Al 63. 81 15' 7 6' 4 7'- '4Wn Nuclear Wn Stk Inv 01 6'. continue to need service. Since we realize that nothing is more annoying to the housewife than waiting for Ihe repairman, we now have in major cities radio-dispatched service 7', ii 1 I Napco Ind 8 23,, 1: Nat Nast A .371 1 7 8 Natl Alf Deh 4 41.
Natl Bell 24 liNatl Bowl 8 8 1 4 'Wn Tab 1.15e New York Cotton Crown Drug Crystal Oil Cubic Cp Cutter A Cutter 22'. 11 5'. 2'. 3 7-16 21 "a 2234 93 9-16 26'7 9 "7 I', 145 14 16' 22'4 11'4 43. 2 3 7-16 21 223,4 95 '3 26'7 9-3 1', 14V, 14 16'- -acta I ilnn 2 12 12 13,4 23' 7 7-34 115 National Co 7 A PROVEN BUSINESS LOCATION WITH INCOME Furnished by E.
F. Hutton 1 Company trucks which enable us to give one to two-day service on most priority calls. Sh 1.20 "1 Whippany .60 23'! v. White Ing 7-34 wh, stflq A li3, whitmover 234-3-161 wichit Oil 15' Wieb Strs 19 iWms Bros .75 61., 7 Williams RC Nat Eq Rent i High Low Close DaitchCD December 33.96 33.89 33.89 vi Daveaa Str 91 2 15-16 Nat pe 9-16 11-16 26' 7 3. 93-, 3,, 1', 143-- 14 V.
16' 3 V. Nat Pres .60 3 15' 6 193 17 7 12 51 14 1316 63 63-. 63 17 2 1-16 1 15 16 2 1-16 20 4' 17 11-16 zlOO 2', Z100 2'i 17 11-16 ZlOO 2'i 1 43i 3 53 7 1 13 20' 3 Z'O 143 2 8'. Appliance buyers also should take annual service frso it gaveTa tracts to allow manufacturers to give them better serviceju'v New mm cottonseed3oii 3,1 oTvlll pfr and to distribute such routine jobs as changing air condi-i December 8ayiCMm soe tioning filters through the year instead of facing impossible $svch DenMfgA 51 Wms Mc 3. Wilshire Oil 4' Wilson Br 2', WilBr 25 7', 2' 4 2.
2''4 9-16 11-16 2'4 2' 4.. 43, 43-4 5'. 53 1 20'. 143 143 7 3 17 7 6 4', Nat Research Nat Roll Mill Nat Rub l.lOr Nat Telefilm Nat Trans Nat Un Elec Nat Video A .50 'Nedicks .20 iNeedham Pk Nelly Don .72 Nest LeM .20 153. 20 71, 1 WodNM .80 153.
20' 17 153. 19' 165 7.100 IlSOO 3 3 17 9', Woodall 1.20 17 17 17 flt ViMrlin uenM oeD 165-, 3 i wooaan 1. vo 8' 3 8 Approx. 4.5 Acres located on a major local arterial in a densely populated locality, easily accessible to 23 of the city's buyinq power and convenient fo shopping, recreational and medical facilities. Priced i ideally suited tor any project that can be accommodated by this amount of property area.
Adjacent property can also be acquired if needed. Dominic M. Cosentino. Colt O'MALLEY September 12.19 TWiln 'I liinu.i IMI III, ill Ji. ilia 3-.
1116 11-16 12i Wright October 12 10-11 Del Ind Pd 5' 6 6 175, 5', 25' December 12.16 2'. 7' 7 9' 8' 7 123, 175-, 5 30 103. 25 38 35' 7 Dev 8. Ravn 1.40 4 55' 243 10 Yale Ex A 15 13-16 13-16 13-16 Devon oils 12 175 9-16 29', 10' 7 25 36 Idria NJ Zinc R' 4'7 41 9 10'. 10 IO' cottonseed Meat MEMPHIS (AP) Cottonseed meal bulk, future quotations.
Prime 41 per cent protein basis. Dec. 66.00-66.50. Jan 65.00- Over The Counter Dialight Cp Dielectric 3 3 3 1 15-16 15-161-16 New Pk Mng Dilberts -I- i mew Kroc z3 66.00. Mar.
64.00-65.00, May 63.50-64.50, ivj Dilberts pf 1 1' li. 35' 7 1 I HULI l.iW 8 19 Yonk Race Yonk nt 38 2'7 35'3 3 Zalejwlv .60 375 5 Zap Oft-Sh Zapata Pet 65-, Zion Fds .251 2'. I'. 375- 36'. 2'.
113-d 2'4 6 4 5', 5' 4'. 6 5' 5'. 5 5'. 4'. 5-16 93 1,, Nickel Rim 93 93 1 INVESTMENT 6' 4 7' I 13' 14'.
334 4' 3 36' 3 38' 3 12' 243', 26'3 1 3' 3 4'-4 I BONDS jui. oj.3u-w.3u iDixilyn A Dome Pet Dom SII8.C .40 Citrus Auction jBS? rwsv joe i Draper 1.50 Los Angeles .25 Oranges: 48s 56s 72s 88s Ills 138s Drug Fair The following bid and asked prices are Palomar Mortgage obtained from the National Association of Pauley Pet. Securities Dealers but do not represent! Perini Corp. .50 actual transactions. They are only in-1 Peter Paul tended as a guide to the approximate' Pubco range within which these securities could I Purex Corp.
.80 hav been sold (indicated by the I Royal Ind. or bou9ht (indicated by the at'Savage Industries 165 161 12i. 115 73,4 75 35'3 35 16' 1634 3ft 30 -1 1'3 57' 3 '4 Alsco 5' 3S74 2 30 3-! Bloom Bid 6'3S77 3 111 111 111 -1 14V.4- Nomca LP IS -1 4 Noramco 7v, 1 NoCdn Oil 351" -NoPennRR 4 No Rankin v. Noeast Airl NolnPS PI4.25 73, Novo Indus .301 7j 1 Nuclear Am 7', BAP ru .70 I 7T 7T 7T 7 13 1 3 16 210 J7' 3 28 3 710 93'. 1 6 122 23 63-4 1'7' 95 95 95 tSearle.
GD 6' 35 23 the time of compilation 1st trade 4.42 4.14 3.56 3.62 3 91 4.U Dunlop 1 108 25' Duralov 28 13 Al 8-8411 Birf Acbprf Southern Union Gas Bid ASKeO cl In 2nd Grade 2.72 2 54 2.62 2.73 Extra choice navels San JnaQiiin Valley Con Vend 6s76 1 ,3 vi Davega 6' 3S75 5 25. i DLW Nj 4S93B 4 FotOChr 5'7S81 6 Gpn Dev 6s75 4 2.33, 5, Cnam 4cfll 28 13 54 90 REALTY CO. 1802 otth Crnlial Pliomix 26 28 13 53 89' 3 80 23' 28' Southwest Research DuroTest DuvalSul 1 40 Dvnalect 7 133 OakMfg 32'. 2' 3 3. 1 113s 3.75-4.00; Choice U3S 2.75-3.25.
15 Trend: Slightly lower. i Turf Paradise 1.40 30' '7 39' 6' 2 35 23 73-4 32'-4 23 40 4' 7 19 143,4 Occident 253 24' 80' 834 Lemons: 95s 115s 140s 165s 195s 9 i Union Rock .60 United Electro. i 53 -1' 89i 31' 80' 89 71 99' 51' 87' 7 101 24 43-4 13' 4 714 45 9'4 150 6'4 193,4 19' 7 25'. 5' 7 4.12 5.25 7.43 7.93 6.4? East Co new 1.12 1 oo5fTi GulfAm Ld 6' 7577 12 89 nv li Har" St 5'7SB1 12 71 30 71 Eastn Frt Trend: About steady. 51' 65 2' 4 1'.
57' 3 3-16 2' 93' 4 6 2' 3 13 23' Si, 99 5' SI 7 13 3'. 303, 28 95 32' 29 26''. 26'-, 25 Webb, Del (commonl iWebb. Del (debentures) in 1 cigoen ip .1, 1. Oh Pw Pf4.80 2 OldTown iii.
1,. OldTown pf li O'okieo 4.19e 2 99' 99' 6s82 170 New York Eastn Sta Cp 5' ItalPwR 6'3SCt 2 51' 51' 7' California navels: 10 cars half 51' 31 boxes Echlin Mtg .40 $2.33. Edo Coro 1.121 125 1 Kaitman 6s77 10 125 124 2180 4 1 2750 3 5 3 19 21 '-3 $3 04: valencies 1 car half boxes iWebb, Del (warrants) 253i western Nat. Gas 30 Point Mfg. 23'.
4 Weyerhaeuser 102 -I ,5 O'Sullivan 15-16 1-16 Kawecki 8 103 102 Lemons: iu cars nait ooxes J4.64. Arizona tider Peel OversSec oi. 21 27 5 1113.1 1 10' 3 11P. Livings 53.S62 lemons: 1 car half boxes $3.37. El Voice 3 106' 3 106' 7 106' OxfordEI .37 OxfMfgA 1 5'.
16'. 4S, 534 98' 7 IP4 5', 53 I 13' i 3'. 32' 3 28 9' 33' 29' 26', 27' 25'4 73'. 1'. 74' 7 73'.
98 98 90' 7 90' 7 93' 7 93' 7 7' 32' 4 2'3 40 45. 19 15 12' 1 534 16' 4 4' 14' 5'-4 5'. 24 53 2 6' 4 33 2'. 41,3 71,, 25 4' 5-32 1 37 ill. NatBell 6s84 35 n' Nuclear 5'7S76 38 Ohio Pw 5, Ohio Pw 3s71 w.
Rap Am 53-4S77 39 Real Eg j'JI Cnrl CA 3t44 SoCal Ed 3s65 Bank And Trust Stock 113.4' 14 13' 3 5' 3 u. PacClav 1.70 tr PcCoast PG8.E 6 pf 1.50 cv. PGE Pf 1.37 53's 98 90' 313 93' 7 87i 7 7 99 93' 90 761 91 '1 2' 71 267s- 12 :8 53.4 16'-. 45 14' 5'-. 5''.
23' 5''. 2 6' 4 3 V. 2' 7'-7 23 4V, 5-32 63. 334 27i4- bn oa.t Electrogra 1 Elect Assist Sleet Comm Elect 8. Mis .30 Elect Res A Electron Sp Electronics El-Tron Emenee EquityCp Erie Forge Ert Corp Esquire Esq Essex Chem Eureka Co 59 Life 85 98'.
93' 90 76 91'. 71 87' 7 93' 90 76 91' 71 PGt 5 Pt 1.25 PGE rdpf 1.25 PGE 4.50 pf 1.12 Pac Indus Multi Million Dollar Acquisition Cost 7t i Szabo 6s73 86 $l'2 115 12434 7 6i'. 3'4 71.. Telereg 6s80 16 73 14'l NEW YORK (API Natl. 93, Assn.
Securities Dealers, 4' 2 Inc. (Closing prices) 15'4 Bank Trust 634 Bid Asked NT8.SA 56's 59'2 4'. 4'-3 45 134 139 151 159 7634 BO 85' Pari, to nf 4 75 J10 102' 7 102' 7 7 'ill. ..74 Bank and Trust Firms: Ariz. Bancorporation Arizona Bank 100 First Nal'l Bank of Ariz.
Financial Corp. Guaranty Bank Valley Nat'l Bank 1.00 Utilities: Pac. Power Light 1.80 Southwest Gas .60 Tucson Gas Elec. L8.P .44 Industries: Allison Steel Amer, Cement .40 Arden Farms 100 Arizona Brewing Arizona Agro Chem. .32 Aztec Bagdad Copper Bayless (A.J.) .60 Behlen Mtg.
Bonanza Airlines Brunswig Drug .80 Capital Southwest Coastal States GP Cont. Fidelity Life Cross Co. Ducommun .80 Electronics Cap. Farm 8. Home First Financial of West First National Life Florida Gas FNMA Frigikar Greater Ariz.
Svqv Hawthorne Finan. Home Savings fii Loan Kaiser Steel .45 Eli Lilly 160 Lone Star Steel Lvtton Fin. McLouth Steel Mission Equities National Securities ARIZONA AIRCRAFT PARTS 23 '4 4'-7 'iPacLtg pf 4.50 220 ioo- 100-y. vcuuo.ixii 363-4 55, 27' 3 49' 4 24'3 28' 4 21' 143 10' 13'. 11' 4' 3 15 63 13 83.
3' 13' 6 263.4 65 113 16' 3 12' 3 7' 105, 5' 123 81' 3 7'4 64 105, 7 18 75' 3 a-, 753. 7', 7' 10' iPacNor Airl 1,300,000 1 Approx total stock sales 48 11 2 111., 11 2 Stock sales year ago 1.871.64 48 113 I 3 -4 hH 17fl 1, 7' Bk of NY 360 368 600 iPacNwTel .88 4' 1 ParPntl Id AND SALES Bankers Tr 55 57? 24'i 48 18' 343. 43V4 44' 18'. 44'B 323 5-32 6 6 6 4. 1,.
Approx loiai Dona sales sales year ago $386,000 54' 434 27'-4 603 74'j 71 IS3 633 72 '4 51 334 25 S6'-i 68 67 1434 59 69 .20 Chase Manh 7734 8OV3 Chem Bk NY Tr 8SV2 9034 102 634 334 V. Evans Rule Exquis Form 150 T02 102 10 57'4 56'i 3' DEC. 1 2th, Storts 1 0:00 A.M. 144 149 Cont III Chi 12'2 18 13'. 2 8'e 113 6 131-3 86 57'4 18' 37i'4 34 Comw ife Conn GenL Cont Assur Contln Cas Crum 8, For Eagle Fire Eastn Life Employ Group Employ Rein Federal Ins Fid Bks Lif.
Fid Oep FiremFd SF Fst NL Phoen Franklin Life Gen Reinsur Ga Int Life Glens Falls Globe Rep Govt Employ Govt Emp Lift Gt Am Ins Sales figures are unofficial. 1 Sales In lull. 183,4 Nat Fire Nat Life 8. Ac Nat Old Line Nat Un Fire Nationwd A New Hamp NY Fire North River Northeast Ins Northern Ins Pac Indem Pac Insur Peerless Peoples Life Phila Life Phoenix Pioneer Home Prof Bus Men Prov-Wash Pyramid Life 7 280 294 Fahrex Co 1 North 8th AVONDALE. (PHOENIX), ARIZ.
37'4 PacPet wt PI adding A 1.45r PageHer .90 PallCpA .40 PancstPet Pantasote Pantep Oil Park Ch 87' 903 7 3 v. 4' 7 3' 4 4' 2 7 3'4 10 4' 75 Empire Tr Fst Nat Bos Fst Nat Chi Fst Nat City Frank Nat LI 57B 31-4 38 3-4 5 3'4 9-16 6 734 11' 11' 16 12 ''2I-I6' Rates of dividends in the foregoing 3'i table are annual disbursem*nts based on '7 1-16 the last quarterly or semi-annual declare-! 6 tion. Unless otherwise noted, special extra dividends are not included. 9' 7 a Akn extra nr extras Annual rate 78 '4 94 50'i 473 59V4 1 1 9-161 9-16 1 9-161-16 91 475 453 55 6 7' 4 67 2 13-16 2 11-16 23i Park EIA 9934 103', 205 220 13'7 145 41 '4 43' 27'3 301 60'a 65 99 l5'7 Parkbg Aet 9J 9'3 45'4 17V4 32'4 40 42 16 42'4 30 V4 59 45'j 58 90 113 11 6 30 6' 78 23 32 65 59'i e4 44 64 81 114 41 8 5 53 553 Positively Ne limit No Reserve Auto. Guidance Controls I Systems Radio Equip.
Pumps -Electrical Inventory Fittings Gyros Enginas Propsller Parts Radar Valves Inverters Hardware Air Frame Parts Servos Armament Equip. Accessories Plant Equip. Trucks Machinery Fork Lifts Office Equip. Etc. 7 3 1-16 734 'Irving Tr 113,4 Kings Cty Tr Manuf Han 19' Morgan Guar 79 Sec IstNBk LA Trust NY 3 3 116M6 plus stock dividend, Declared or paid 129'i 133 v.
2' 2'e in 1961 plus stock dividend, Declared! 64'iiFairmt Ch 48'4j Falcon Sbd 63iij FamArt Sch Faraday 11834Fargo Oils '2'-4Fed Purch Pet 32' Fields Plast .40 7 IFilmways Finan Gen 26'4 FstNReal 35'-7 FstNRl wt 69'3 FirthStcrl 62' FlyTiger 46' FordCan 5a 73 1 53 3 2 12" 4 283 30 5'-. 139 "46 58'3 6134iiQuak City Lift 12'3 28 5' 60' 633 Gt Am Corp 2734 WellsFargo Bk I8'J iviiKem Lor NY 5. 14' 3 3 1' 5'- IS3 8', Insurance 42 45VReolnsTex 49 12 29 23 44 13 12'" 15 3' 6 173 16' 67B Aptn Cat 82 5, Pato Gold El 5- pepBovs Perfect Cir 1.20 3 perfect Photo Permian 5'. Peru OVILSS.M 16'. 7- 3,4 Philips El ilS'T, PhULgDis, 28e 15634 4'.
phoenix Stl Piasecki Air 5' Pierce Ind 33. Pinneer PI Ml 32 13-16 And In Addition 17' 7 or paid so far this year, Payable in! 28 3 stock during 1961. estimated cash value 5''. on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date. 125- 1, gpaid last year, Declared or paid' 13-1 after stock dividend or split up.
De- 28', clared or paid this year, an accumulative! 4 issue with dividends in arrears, Paid I05 1, (nj5 yeflr, dividend omitted, deferred on a no action taken at last dividend meeting. 8 Declared or paid In 1962 plus stock 1 103. '4 Pvhl In ttnrk rinrina 1967. 28' 3 28' 4 ll'2 Aetna Life Agricultural 174 25 4 Z50 15634 154 All Am Lf8.C Am Equit Am Fid Life 4 2' 234 6 73,. Very Desirable Industrial Real Properly 49' 52-1 1 Rep Nat Life 65 F8.M 113 Life 58 eO'i'Seabd Sur 93 11 I Security In; 133.4 14'j Secur 87' 3lSwn Life Ins 37 Ins 24'4 26' jS Spring Ins pf 37''3 36' Std Sec Lift Wool Tops, Futures 5 Am Gen Ins 6 5' 1 33 2 33H 10' '7 334 33 Am Heritage Lf 12 105' 7 107 23,.
estimated cash value on ex-dividend or1 for term ond descriptive brochure Fotochrm 85'-7 Fresnillo .40 1193-4 Friend Frost 43' 3 Fuller. GA 1.80a 106' 7 I 10' 1 Garan Inc 24' Gati Pw MO l25.GenAccept wt 6 22 10' 61 12 8' 4 7.100 107 213 1 4' 12 5' 2 1'3 3 5 .9. ex-distnoution date, Liquidating oivi- 11 213 1034 2 4j 101 21' 11 Gulf Life Ins Hanover Ins 1283 Hartf fire 36H Hartf Boil 25'. Home lns NY 25' 1 III Con Life Std Life 13' jer.lns. NY 395 Title 323 Lib ins 7 'Liberty Lift 4H Life Assur Pa 14 1 Life Cas Tenn 613 Life Va 633 1 Line Lib Lf 6Hi Lincoln NatL 265 I Loyal Am Lf( 37' Maryland Cas 14' Mass Indem Fire As 245 'Midwn Un Lift contact dept.
78 82 Title Guar 3iT eld Called, xd- Ex dividend, xlis Ex, 33 6 PhNlio Eck 103-4 PitRwys 253-4 piast Mat 6' Polarad El 8' '-4 Poloron A 33 'i-Polycast Cp 6' 2 157 162' 3 Gen BatCer .40 103-4 25 6'. 8 33 6' 273 3' 55 1'3 5 69' 4 fi, distribution, xr Ex rights, xw Without 5 warrants, ww With warrants, wd When 69', 7, distributed, wt When issued, nd Next 534 t'l Cm Build 4 253 1 6' 27 B'4 1 34 48 6'-4 4 28 7 9'4 NEW YORK (API Wool tops and wool Am Home Assur 36 futures were higher yesterday on dealer All Ins NJ 3Vk covering Future markets abroad were Am Life Cos 6U mixed. Am Mercury 334 Wool futures closed .2 to of a cent AmNlns Galv 13 higher. Dec. 131.48.
Mar. 129.5. May 127.5. Am Re-Ins, 57' Jul. 126.3, Oct.
125.8B. Dec. 124.6B, Mar. Bank Ship 59 124.0B. BankersNLife 57 Certificated wool spot 131.5N.
Std 24'i Wool tops futures closed .5 tif cent Boston Ins 35 higher. Oct. 163.7B. -OtCas NY A 12 Certificated spot wool tops 169 ON. ICitizens Life 25 bid, nominal.
Coastal S'a 22" 4 69' 60i 63' Gen Devel 22' 24' GFIrepfg 59 623iGenFoam .621 II 2 9 t6 2 9 16 2 91-16 unT ociixerr. ni fvarranis. wr unucr rule. 28'i 314k 3'4 126 13134i 13 14' 145 150 3' 41 SI 34 56' 3 'navail 47 Un Bank Ins Travelers Unit Family Unit Ins Am Unit Sec Lf US US Fire US Life Variable An Lift Westchest 14 11' 113 ju.jj'4 on oastp 28 '41 Prairie Oil 9' 4 '4! Pratt Precware .30 20' 'T'Pren Hll 1 1-16 PresRealA 60b 12 150 30'4 30' 30'. 'i 1 4' 4' 4' 19 33' 3 325 33' il 1 8' 4 8' 4 4 53 J3 74 vi In bankrupted- or receivership or being reorganized owter the Bankruptcy Act.
or securities assumed by such com panies. 8' 24 21 3 1 15-16 1 12H 123 "J'4 Gen strs 36''Genungs .70 34'J.